Chapter 4

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It's been three days since I came to forks and finally Alice has finshed my room it was the attic but now it's painted a red like my eye color with grey floral print with white carpet a lounge chair like Edwards a tv bookshelf and a small stareo I told Alice I don't need that but she insisted and a closest with new things to wear but I haven't changed yet and Alice is getting kind mad it's really funny

I'm with Esme in her room because she said she wants my help with plans for a Victorian style bedroom because she says it's time for a change and I agreed

I told her about my old room and showed her some patterns and so on and she simply loved my idea

So far we got floral deep purple wall paper and a light grey carpet a dark wood desk for Carlisle

Now the bed was harder work because I'm no use to shopping for things like this but we got a very soft dark purple with grey flowers so it matches the walls nicely

Esme why do you have a bed? We don't sleep

Because Tara we watch tv in our room when Emmett's watching stupid stuff she said laughing

I just smiled at her joke

And one more thing dose bella's scent you know bother you in a good way I whispered

Yes dear it dose but it will fade she assured me using a motherly voice

Thank you Esme your more of a mother then mine was I said hugging her it was true my mother never cared for me she just wanted be to go away and leave her alone

Esme must have been speechless because she didn't answered he just smiled and hugged back

When we went back to the house I helped Esme with the room it didn't take long vampire speed gotta love it

Carlisle just came home just as I was making there bed he was thinking of a women who just died at the hospital when he entered his room his thoughts faded and went right to the room

You do this Tara he said smiling

No Esme did I just gave her the idea so um yes I did I said laughing

It's beautiful Tara Esme he said kissing his wife

I'll just leave you to I said leavin the room

I went to my room and started drawing

A rose not sure why but when I draw I draw the randomest things when I was done I went downstairs and went outside I'm not sure where I was going I was just walking around in the woods today it wasn't raining but it wasn't sunny just right

I started climbing a tree and just sitting there

I heard a car pull up just Edward Alice Bella and Jasper coming home from school

Jasper came I didn't think of everyone he would come

I join you Tara?

Oh sure jasper I said

Thanks he said as he climbed up

I felt thirsty again so I started gripping the tree so I don't go crazy and attack her

Suddley I didn't feel so overwhelmed I felt calm

I turned to Jasper he must have read my face

I can control moods and emotions he said

I just nodded slowly

He just laughed and jumped down and I joined him

Ah there she is Edward though jokingly I stuck my tounge out at him

Bella and Alice just laughed at how immature were being

I sat down in the chair at closed my eyes trying to read her mind as hard as I could

I growled in frustration

Edward just laughed making me growl more

Bella looked confused

She's trying to read your mind Bella he told her she just laughed

Janes power dosnt even work Tara she said

Okay now I dont feel weak I said smiling imagining how she must have looked after trying so hard

After who knows how long Alice took Bella home

What's wrong Tara?

Hmm I asked oh nothing

Your starting school tomorrow he said laughing I stuck my tounge out at him

He kept laughing I tackled him down from where he was and with that we started fighting or rolling around which ever you pick

Till we heard someone cough it was Esme laughing

Sorry we both said laughing

Why is she here she's just go ing to start trubble I bet she's probaley just here to spy on us rose though

Rosalie I can here every though I'm not a spy and I won't bother you I havent even said anything to you I said out loud Edward and Emmett laughing at how quick I responded and rosalie's expression

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