Chapter 5

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"you got to be kidding me Edward!" i hissed at him he smiled in return

"your going and that's it" i sigh i know I'm going to lose this war

i ground and get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeved black shirt and my boots I wore when i came her i brushed my hair and went down to the living room in total i got dressed in 5 minutes i stopped and looked into the mirror to see my eyes are still bright red but a little dark

"im thirsty" i said as i sat on the sofa next to Emmett

"you'll get use to i Tara" he said laughing

a little shock made its way in my mine "Emmet don't lie" i said looking at the t.v

"how did you know i was lying"

"I just know Emmett"

"EDWARD HURRY UP!" i though to him loud

"calm down Tara" he though laughing

"no I'm thirsty and the longer i wait the more deadly i'll get" i though back with a smirk

when he heard that he rushed down the stairs and grabbed my arm and pulled me to the woods and we hunted

 we chased a few deer's around i made a face of disgusted

"its not that bad" he said laughing

"Edward i don't even have to use my gift to tell your lying" i smirked as we ran back to his car

"okay so they do taste bad but i like mountain lions"

"i bet its worth the chase i want something fast and worth the run not deer's" i said getting in the front seat Alice and jasper where already that

"Edward i really don't want to go to your school" i though to him

"to bad TaraBear" he said using out kid nicknames

"But why EddyBoo" he made a nasty face as if he smelled something i just smirked

when we got there (it didn't take long Edward drives fast i knew were related)

"come on Katara" he smirked as he used my full name

"Edward you know i hate my full name!' i said slapping his arm hard

"i know Katara" he smiled i growled at him making him laugh louder


"Never Katara" he said throwing me over his shoulder and taking me to the office where early its only 7:05 well that's what the wall clock says

when people see me whispers break out

"Edward why are people looking at me?" i ask in his mind

"your a Cullen now Katara everyone whispers"

I hit him in the back of the head

"its Tara Edward" i said laughing

he kept walking and smiling I'm guessing

"EddyBoo you put me down" i smirk as he drops me on my ass

"that's not what i meant Edward" i said laughing

"come on lets just get your stuff" he said lifting me up again

i jumped out of his arms and walked to a lady with fading red hair with glasses at the end of her nose her fair skin wrinkled she might be in her mid 40's

"Um Hello I'm Tara" i say tapping on the desk with my fingers bored

"oh ms Cullen here's your things and a map" she said handing me my things

"another Cullen kid hasn't Dr.Cullen got enough" she thought 

i took my things and went back to Edward

"you her here thoughts?" i asked

he nodded

"we walk around Edward?, i wanna see the rest of this Hell hole"

"sure thing Tara" he said slinging his arm over my shoulder

we past a lot of people giving me shocked or mad looks

"now he's cheating with Bella i knew he was no good"

I snorted and who ever said that looked at me

when Bella comes i run in human speed which i hate with Edward to greet her

"Morning Edward Tara" she smiles kissing Edward

the person who said that looked like he wanted to kill Edward

i smiled to Bella i almost didn't notice how tall i was to her her 5'5 frame compared to my 5'7 Edward being 6'2

"why you so tall Tara" Bella says laughing

"my mum and dad were tall and so was my brother Issac" i smile down at her

"come on Tara you don't wanna be late on your first day now do you" Edward says messing up my already Frizzy hair i know my hair is straight but its really puffy but neat you get what i mean?

"Ugh i hate school bad enough i was with the guards and learning now this" i whined as he pulled me along like a puppy on a leash

"Edward i now hate you" i said as we were getting Bella from her Math class

"why so?" he said smiling at me

"Because you though it would be so funny to make the teacher explain EVERYTHING FROM THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL TO ME!" i said throwing my hands in the air like a mad man

 He just smiled and picked me up again and pulled me over his shoulder

"Hello Bella" he said i think he was laughing because I'm bouncing

"Why?" was all she said

"Shes slow even for a vampire" He said as if i wasn't here

"Um Yeah Edward Bella I'm HERE STILL!!" i said trying to get out of his hold on me

they just laughed and went on there way

"EDWARD Please put me down" i said in his head

"Okay" and i landed on my feet

"Thanks cousin" i smiled

"whatever go find Alice" he said

"awwww your trying to get rid of me already e-even the Volturi didn't want me" i said fake crying but blood tears feel down my cheeks I'm rare Aro said because i can cry

"oh stop it" Edward said putting his arm around my waste and his other in Bella's hand she looked like she was holding her breath trying not to burst out laughing

"Bella go get your lunch you look hungry and don't think of lying" i say smiling she goes off and Edward follows her and tells me which table

"Oh Hey Tara having a good day so far" Alice says as i aproch the table and sit next to her

"Yeah its alright and yourself?" i answer her

"Umm Tara you have Blood tears on your cheek" Jasper though to me

"Thanks Jas" i think back

"excuse me" and i go wipe my face and return

"Thanks for telling me Edward" I think to him and he just laughs

"so you and Edward huh?" the boy from earlier said this time to my face

"Me and Edward? you gotta be joking" i say holding my laughter in

"Whats wrong with me?" Edward says as he sits down

"your cheating with Bella with her" he says pointing to me

Me and Bella look at each other and we both burst out laughing Alice and Jasper join in as well

"M-me A-and E-Edward No Never i'm his Cousin i lived in Italy and came here for a trip" i said holding back Bloody tears

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2011 ⏰

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