My life with humans

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CHAPTER 3- The Plan

I woke up around seven. When i got down stairs i met up with everyone in the barn. We had descussed the plan th night before and now it was time for action. The plan was:

I would go across town trying to avoid mayor Rosalynn, while everyone started their morning jobs. When mayor Rosalynn showed up everyone would let examine the house. When see her start to come back across town i'd hed back home. This plan would last until the panic and rumors die down. If she asked where i went everyone would say that i went to borrow [blahblahblah] from [blahblahblah].

When we finnished going over it the time was seven-fifty. I headed across town but ran into mayor Rosalynn, and she was carrying the 'detector'. "Hi! How are you doing this morning?", she exclaimed cheerfully. I replyed, "Oh just going for a morning stroll!". "Oh how wonderful! Im off to go detect some houses. I'll see u around.", and she smiled as she walked away.

Woah! That was close. She must of had it off. Ummmm, what now? Oh right i wait until she comes back this way.

Oh look! There she is! I jumped behind a bush and ran the opposite way, hidden by the uncut shrubs.

When i got home everyone said the plan went well at home and asked me how it was. So i told them, "Well on my across town i ran into her! She asked me acouple questions and left!".

That night we celebrated that it worked and we hoped it would work again.

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