Chapter 1 -Picking up where we left off-

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I could feel her breaths quicken, her heart start to beat faster and her body started to tremble.  It was almost time. Almost time for us to make our run. Almost time for us both to do the thing we love and have a passion for.

Finally, they called our names to enter the arena.

She pranced all the way to the gate, I was trying my best to hold her back. We got into the alley way and I let go of my beast of a horse.

We flew to the first barrel, on to the next, we got to the second and stumbled a bit, but she kept running with all her heart. Finally, we get to the third barrel, the one that always troubles us, but this time was different we spun around it and began running home. That had to be one of the fastest times I've ever run. We get out of the gate and all I heard was "and ladies and gentlemen we have a new leader!"

I don't think I could've been happier or more proud. 

Out of breath, I got off of my amazing old mare, Poco Vesper or I call her Angel (even though most of the time she is the exact opposite) and took off her polo wraps and loosened her girth in hope of she will calm down a bit.

We walked back to the trailer to unsaddle and get some water for her and me. I don't think I have stopped smiling the whole time since our run.

Once I got her settled down I headed back to the arena to watch the other events and the rest of barrel racing if it's not finished. When I got there they had finished barrel racing and I was informed I had the fastest time of the night and the weekend so far!

Not only had I beaten my personal record, I had beaten the arena record. It all was so surreal. I always think to myself how I am so blessed to be able to throw my leg over her.

As I finally found a spot on the bleachers, the bull riding started. The first out of the gate was someone I had known for a while, Ethan Jackson, we were in 4-H and FFA together. I had liked him for awhile, but shit happens. Tonight , however we went back to the good old days, when every time I saw him I fell for him just a little bit harder.

Watching someone you care about on an extremely dangerous 2,000 pound animal seems like forever, even if it's only for 8 seconds.

The timer buzzed, he made it, now we wait for the score.

"Ladies and gentlemen, with a score of 89.5, we have a new rider at the top of the board!" said the announcer. 

As I sat there and watched as he walked out of the arena, I wish I could talk to him. I want to talk to him, no, I need to talk to him. 

I decided to walk back to my trailer and hope I would run into him. I walked slowly dragging my feet, taking as long as I could just hoping he would see me and want to talk.

When I arrived to my trailer I still had not seen any sign of Ethan. I got Angel some more water and grabbed me a Miller Light and headed back to the arena.

As walked the steps to where I was sitting before, I made eye contact with the one and only Ethan Jackson. 

This was it, this is going to be our first conversation in 5 years, 5 years ago we were sitting there after a 4-H meeting screaming at each other, but making sure no one heard, no one found out we had been talking. 

I hope it's not to awkward I thought right before I sat down and said hey.

"Long time no see" 

Oh my God his southern accent was thicker and hotter then last time we talked.

"Yeah, I think at the time we were both fine that we didn't see each other anytime soon."

"Look about that night, I messed up. I messed up real bad. I'm sorry and I swear I mean both of those words."

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