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When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was her.

She was immersed in a thick book not much bigger than the size of her hand. Her eyebrows were cringed in focus and she was dressed in mostly white.

She was pretty; with a petite body and hair the color of hibiscus.

He could do nothing but stare, his head whirling in thoughts as he blinked repeatedly. Did he know this person?

His body felt heavy. So heavy that he didn't even bother trying to get up. The bed he lied on was inclined so he was somewhat sitting up, and a large pillow behind him supported his back.

The girl in front of him was engulfed in her book, and he didn't want to disturb her. But he couldn't just sit there and do nothing.

"Um.." he hesitated. She bounced up in surprise, her miniature book suddenly slipping from her hands and hitting the floor with a low thud. "Er.. Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

Her eyes were wide and lips slightly parted. "W-W-W-What! P-Prince Leo?! Y-You're awake!"

"Leo.." he repeated, almost in a whisper. "Is that my name?"

She felt herself shrinking at his intense gaze, and she looked down at the floor. "Y-You don't... remember?"

Leo sighed, lifting one hand to rest on the top of his head. "My head's killing me. I can't seem to remember anything except darkness. One minute all is black, and the next I'm suddenly here."

He looked around the small room, noticing the plain white walls surrounding one, tiny window where sunlight seeped through. The girl leaned down and picked up the small book she had dropped earlier.

"We suspected as much.." she murmured to herself, but much to her dismay, Leo had heard her loud and clear.

"Huh?" he hummed, watching as the hibiscus-haired girl blushed.

"N-Nothing!" she added quickly. "Just that.. A lot has happened. Y-You should probably get some rest."

"Somehow I'm not so tired," he sighed, pulling the sheets that covered him back just enough to see he was in a lavender gown. "How long have I been asleep?"

The girl timidly opened her book back to the page she had been reading from, struggling to hold her gaze with the prince.

"S-Six days."

He jolted forward. "Six days!?—OW!" He carefully leaned back against the pillow, throwing his head back and letting out a grunt.

"Y-You should really take it easy for a while. Don't m-move around too much," the girl scolded him shyly.

"Wait—wait—I've got so many questions," Leo tried to ignore the pain rushing throughout his body. "You... You called me a prince earlier. Prince Leo, you said. Am I.. Am I really royalty?"

She nodded slowly. "You are Leo.. The second Prince of Nohr."

"Second...? Do I have an older brother?"

"Yes. Two." She dipped one hand on the page as if bookmarking it and closed the book. "And two sisters."

Leo blinked repeatedly, trying to wrap his head around the news. "T-Then.. What happened to me? Where are they? Where are we?"

Under the Moonlight [Fire Emblem: Fates] (Leo x Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now