Dylan Build-Up (For Sandra) pt.1

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Dylan's POV:
I stood there and watched her at the counter getting her Starbucks. She always seemed to have a smile on her face which spreaded ear to ear. I watched her as she played music on her phone while sipping her drink. We never talked but if we ever saw each other outside Starbucks we would typically smile at each other. As she lowered her drink down from her mouth a tall bulky figure sat down next to her and smirked.
Sandras POV:
I look up to see a blonde boy with Brown eyes sit next to me he was tall and bulky and the way he stared at me made me shift uncomftabley in my seat. "What's a sexy girl like you sitting over here on her own?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and turn up the music. He takes my left earplug out. "If you don't mind can you piss off?" I say and pop it back in my ear. He grabs my wrist and I immediately react, I grab my Starbucks and throw it over him. I hear someone trying to hold in a laugh and I see Dylan with his million dollar smile. The guy leaves and my confidence levels are still high so I sashay over to Dylan and sit opisite of him. "Well what a peformance," he says smirking. "Yeah, I think I should be the next Mozart," I say cross eyed waving my index finger the the air. He laughs and I smile. "So how's life?" He asks breaking the silence. "Well apart from jerks coming at me left, right and centre yeah it's alright." I say he smiles. My phone buzzes and I look down.
Josie 💅: Where are you? I swear if you are in the pub getting pissed my shoe will go so far up your ass that you will start shitting out your mouth x
I roll my eyes and put my phone in aeroplane mode. "I got to go my friend is being a prick it was nice talking to you." I smile and walk off my heels hitting against the marble floor.

Word count: 360

Dylan O'Brien Smut Fluff And BuildupsWhere stories live. Discover now