Ear Infection

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Heya! Just in case you've never had one before, I thought I'd tell you; ear infections are really really painful!!! Anyway, enjoy!😉

(Niall's POV)

I signed as I reached for another tissue. I'd had a nasty cold for the past couple days, and I couldn't wait to get rid of it. My nose hurt, my throat was sore, my ears were all clogged up, and I sounded very congested. I think it's the worst cold I've ever had.

I tried to lay back, close my eyes, and fall asleep; but seconds later, my nose all stuffed up again and I was uncomfortable. I groaned in frustration, thinking I'd never fall back asleep. So I grabbed an extra pillow from my closet and tried again. Eventually, I did fall back into restless sleep.

The next morning, awoke to a terrible ache in my right ear.
"Must be an ear infection," I whispered, wincing at how congested I sounded. I stayed in bed for a few minutes, trying to build up the strength to get up. Eventually I did, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood up onto my feet. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and started to slowly make my way towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Nialler! How are you feeling?" Louis asked.
All I did was give a little grunt in response.
"That bad, huh?" Louis sighed.
"Listen, we talked to Paul and he said we can't take the day off today, but if you want you can stay here while we go do all the interviews. Would you like that?" Liam suggested.

     I thought about it for a second before deciding I would stay behind. I didn't want to disappoint the fans, but I figured if I want to be better in time for tomorrow's concert I had to stay home and rest. I'd rather miss a few interviews than a concert.

     I slowly nodded my head yes, and laid back my head for a couple seconds, closing my eyes. I just felt so terrible, and I so badly wanted this to end!
"You ok mate?" Zayn asked.
My eyes quickly shot open and my head popped up as I realized my face was twisted into a look of frustration.
"Yeah, I just hate being sick and I want it to go away," I replied.
"Don't worry you'll be better soon enough, but we got to go now are you sure you'll be alright?" Harry asked, his voice sounding very concerned.
"I'll be fine," I answered.
"Alright well text us if you need anything." Liam informed me.
The boys said there goodbyes and headed out the door. Well at least I'll have some peace and quiet, I thought to myself. Not that I don't like having the boys around. I do, I love them to death! However, peace and quiet is always nice when your sick.

     Suddenly my stomach rumbles and pulled me out of my thoughts. I realized I was starving! I got up and walked towards the kitchen to make myself some warm soup. When my soup was finally ready I walked back over to the couch and turned the T.V. on to a low volume, since my right ear was very sensitive to sound. I settled on a fishing channel and took a spoonful of warm chicken noodle soup. It felt so good going down my soar throat, like a stream of water returning to it's desert.

     After I finished off my soup, I was feeling much better and decided to take a nap. I had been asleep for just 20 minutes when a slight pain in my ear woke me. I shrugged it off, thinking it would go away soon. Yet again, only 10 minutes later it woke me up. This time, the pain was much sharper, and impossible to ignore. I tried to fall asleep again but I only fell half asleep, as the pain was getting worse by the minute. Soon it was nearly unbearable. It felt like my ear was about to burst any minute! There was so much pressure. I couldn't handle it anymore, and I started to cry, at first it was just a few tears, but that quickly turned into sobs. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do, so I got up and tried to look around for some painkillers, but it was no use. I didn't know where we kept them. So I went over to my phone, still sobbing.

N: Liam, help my ear hurts so bad and I don't know what to do!

C'mon Liam! Answer! I thought to myself, wiping my tears off the screen.

Li: Ok, hang on one second Ni this interview is just ending, we'll be out soon!

(Nobody's POV)
     By the time the boys got to Niall, he was on the floor, rocking back and forth and holding his ears. Liam raced in and found the painkillers, while the rest of the boys comforted Niall. Later they took him to the hospital and got him some medicine for his ear infection. He was soon better, and able to perform the concert the next day.

Yay! Another chapter finished! And exactly 900 words! Also if any of you are dance moms fans, please go check out my new book; Dance grannies! So anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll ttyl!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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