Chapter 1 ~ just a normal day ~

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Millie's POV

My eyes fluttered open.

I woke up, only to hear the sounds of my parents arguing over something that doesn't really matter.

You know world, I don't feel like getting up. But then again, I have school. But what's more important an education or spending your day in bed, on your phone, drinking coke, and not showering? Ok I know what your thinking! An education, right? Yup I thought so. I should really stop talking to myself!

I bit my lip to stifle the giggles.

I got out of my bed, moving each limbo one by one, until I was standing in my bedroom. The walls were a bright red with the letters 1D on it. My carpet was white, even though there's a foundation stain bang in the middle of the floor. I had a cardboard cutout of Nial that I got for my 16th birthday, standing near the door. Oh did I say that I'm a MASSIVE directioner? I just absolutely love those boys! Oh and do you know little things? Yeah. It's like they mushed all of the things I worry about into a song! Plus, they sung it amazingly!

I live in a mansion with my parents, but I have 2 months until I graduate to college.

. It's pretty big if you ask me, I can't help that my dads rich! Sometimes my parents stay for a bit, like they are right now.

I checked the time on my clock.


So I had 45 minutes to get ready for first period.

I slowly trudged toward the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. Honestly speaking, I looked like a panda that was run over by a truck, smashed into a wall, then dies of thirst.

I stripped down and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt soothing against my body. That probably sounded wrong. Ah well.

I reached for my cherry blossom shampoo, lathering my hair in it, then rinsing. I did the same procedure bit this time with my watermelon conditioner.

Eventually I stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into my room.

I made sure I was dry, then put on my flowing tank top, with a black Peter Pan collar, washed denim shorts, and my gladiator sandals. I went into the bathroom to put on some makeup.

I applied a light foundation, and just wore mascara, it looked nice with my sky blue eyes. I found my cherry chap stick and just used that,

I brushed my hair so it fell down past my shouldein long, wavy, dirty blonde locks.

Standing in front of the mirror, I examined my outfit. I looked pretty


I checked the time again.


Ok so I had enough time to eat.

I went downstairs only to see a sight I would never like to see.

Ooooh cliffhanger! What do ya think? Luv. Youse!

Nicole :D

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