Chapter 6

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We have been searching for the next clue for two weeks now

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We have been searching for the next clue for two weeks now. When we read the clue from Merri Island we all knew exactly what it was.

'It's light shines bright
You can see it from a far
But only if you look at night'

Most would think of the moon or the stars in the night sky, but we all knew it was actually the Light House.

We have been going there every chance we get, but always coming up empty. Because of this we have all decided to take a few days off of the search. Plus everyone has other more important things to get done. For Bre, Zara, Carter and Issac it's uni assignments. Nate is busily looking for work and writing who knows what. That leaves me to focus on opening my business.

It's slowly coming together. I have a location in mind; I just need the bank to approve my loan so I can start renting it. I reserved my name for the business too. Anna's Café Library. When I am not searching for the new clue or with my family I am researching supplies for the books as well as everything I will need for the café side of things.

It's proving more difficult than I thought. I was just taking a break from researching to think of what hours to be open when I started to think of the clue again.

I texted the group, to see if they had any new ideas yet. I got variations of the same thing. No one had anything.

The clue mentions night time, when ever we go to the Light House it's mid morning or mid afternoon.

That got me thinking. What if we are going at the wrong time of day? What if we need to go at midday when the Sun is at it's highest and brightest? It does say shining bright in the clue.

I message my friends about my idea and see if they want to go today to try it out. Everyone agreed, so we did.

We all met at the Light House just after lunch. We didn't make it just as day searching for the clue, but a day to catch up and act like the weird people that we are. Carter and I talked sports, particularly AFL. We were kind of rivals when it came to who we follow. He went for the Hawthorn Hawks and I went for the North Melbourne Kangaroos.

I talked with the girls and Issac about the shop and what still needs to be done. Bre is helping with the interior design, Issac is doing any construction changes to the location, and Zara is helping me with everything else when she has the time.

Nate and I went off on our own for a while to look for the clue and catch up too. I haven't spent much time with him in so long and I felt guilty because he is my best friend.

"So," Nate starts bumping my shoulder. "M'lady wanna go to the top?" holding one hand out for me to take and pointing to the Light House with the other.

Smiling I took his hand and we walked up the stairs to the top to the small balcony surrounding the Light House.

"Lisa this view is amazing! Look over there." Following the direction of where he is pointing I notice a pod of dolphins jumping in and out of the water.

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