Chapter.7 Officially

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 After waking up to a still snoring Sidney, Laura decided to go wash up and order breakfast. By the time the food arrived Sidney herself was up and bustling. The two laughed and ate and soon Sidney hit the shower for a quick wash too. While Sidney was busy in the bathroom Laura reached for her novel on the nightstand and pulled out the piece of paper she had been using as a bookmark. Leaning back against the soft red pillow behind her, she twirled the scrap of paper around in her fingers. "Maybe I should wait a little longer," she thought feeling nervous all over. She picked up her phone, but then put it back down on the bed again. She even considered getting Sidney to make the call for her, but then thought better of it once she realized how pathetic that seemed.

 It was with the same worried frown that Sidney found Laura with as she stepped out of the bathroom. "Don't tell me you still haven't called yet," she questioned taking a comb to her hair.

 "I haven't." Laura answered glumly.

 "Tsk-well you better do it soon if you wanna get something going." Sidney remarked.

 Laura rolled her eyes. Sidney really didn't understand how hard this was. "I will but, I don't know. What if I sound like a loser? How do I even start the conversation, or bring up going out?" She asked. Sidney stared blankly at Laura before shrugging and returning to her long black hair. "To be honest, if he saw how awkward you probably were yesterday at the rink, and he still asked you out, you've got nothing to worry about." Sidney stated bluntly. That irked Laura. She grabbed two of the biggest pillows on her bed and made her way over to Sidney who stood in front of the full length mirror in the room. Just as Sidney turned to say something else snappy, Laura swung hard and gave her a mouth full of pillow. "You little jerk!" She spat taking another swing with the other pillow causing her to fall down. Sidney got her hands on the previous pillow that Laura had dropped and stood back up, all the while catching Laura off guard and smacking her on the side of the head. "Is the wittle pwincess angwy?" She taunted. "You bet she is loser!" Laura yelled before hitting Sidney in the face again.

 Their pillow war lasted a little while before Laura finally had Sidney cornered. "Any last words?" She asked in the most serious tone she could muster. "Yes, please tell Patty Kane you've got anger management issues before he ticks you off and gets himself killed!" Sidney giggled. Laura smiled, shaking her head and smiled before dropping the pillow. "Come on, we better clean up the mess we made."

 After they had tidied up the room, they both sat down on their own beds and decided Laura should send a simple text to get the ball rolling. Laura told herself to calm down and not get too excite. She had the tendency to over type when she got too happy. He didn't need to think she was a freaky obsessed fan girl. Though in reality she probably was. She found the slip of paper that had the number on it and entered it in her phone before sending a simple "Hey :).”

 "There, I did it." She smiled proudly before slipping he phone back into her pocket.

 "Well since that didn't take all day, you wanna head out now? I wanna see if I can find anything decent to buy here." Sidney informed. Laura checked the digital clock on the nightstand and saw that it was exactly 9:15 a.m. "Yeah that sounds good, let's head out." She answered getting up and grabbing her bag from the desk it had been placed on.

 The two girls walked out of the lobby and decide to walk around to get a feel for the place, and get some exercise. Sidney had just pulled out her phone and flipped to Google maps. "Okay, so we're here on East Walton Street.... and apparently there's a Forever 21 down this way on North Michigan Avenue. Aaaand if we're should take about half an hour or so." Laura raised an eyebrow at Sidney's accuracy.

 "And when did you get so smart?" She asked.

 "Please, it's the internet. Any doofus could figure this out." Sidney replied waving her hand in dismissal.

 "That's my point." Laura smirked.

 Sidney pursed her lips and gave Laura a look. Laura laughed and pushed Sidney to get her going. "I don't plan on standing here all day." 

 Once they had finally made it to the gigantic Forever 21, they went crazy with the shopping. After they had finished up there, they got a cab and headed to Starbucks at Sidney's request. Laura had always been more of a Tim Horton’s girl and decided she would pass and just wait in the cab instead. As Sidney headed into the Starbucks, Laura's phone began to vibrate. Pulling it out from the outer pocket of her bag, she saw that it was a text. Actually it was a reply from Patrick! Silently spazzing she got a good grip on her phone. And read what he had to say. It read;

"Hey! Good morning :)." Smiling Laura typed, "Morning," and then sat back smiling even more. 

 Her phone buzzed again. "How are you?"

 "I'm great, thanks. How about u?"

 "Pretty god actually :) I was just wondering if you were busy today by any chance."

 "Not that I know of, nope."

 "Well would you be up to hang out? Catch a movie?" Laura pulled her eyes away from the screen. He was officially asking her out! Just as she was about to reply yes- a thought occurred to her. She and Sidney were supposed to be hanging out for the day. Biting the inside of here cheek she sat there weighing her options. Chill with Sidney who she would see for the rest of the week, or go out with Patrick. She thought about it for a few more seconds and decided to accept his invitation. Patrick replied with the little details like when he would be around to pick her up, and ended it with "great, see you then!" Laura hastily replied with "Alright ", before realizing she'd never told Patrick where she was staying. But she shrugged it off assuming he probably already knew.

 Shifting her phone from one hand to the other, Laura looked out the car window, patiently waiting for Sidney to return. And soon enough, there she came. Doing her usual weird velociraptor like jog, with a cup of something in one hand and her little pink wallet in the other. Laura smiled and leaned over to open the door for Sidney as she got close to the car. "What I miss?" She asked slamming the car door shut and handing Laura the cup of hot coffee. She fiddled with her wallet before slipping it into her larger purse, then turned with a smile and took the cup out of Laura's hands. "Well, Patrick replied." Laura said leaning back to adjust her seat belt. "And?" Sidney pushed, taking a sip of her coffee. "And-he asked me out!" Laura said smiling. "Shut up!" Sidney yelled eyes wide. "I'm completely serious." Laura answered showing Sidney the text. "Girl, we need to go get you lookin' perfect!" Sidney cheered, giving Laura a high-five. Laura sighed quietly. "Good-luck making this," she pointed to herself, "look beautiful."

 Ah, finally posted! I apologize for the long wait, but when you're low on motive, it happens. Anyway, I hope you all liked this chapter! Remember to vote and comment below and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading :)

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