The Next Step Towards Living

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    "Alright Anyia, now dont get to close"  My father said not too concerned.

    "I know, I'll be fine you can go now," I stated.

     There was a rattlesnake 2 feet in front of me. It had a pattern on its back that made me feel like I have known it and have been around it my whole life. I found it easy to give it all my trust. I couldn't look into its eyes for more than one second. It was feirce and stronge. It made me lose track of time, almost like hypnotizing me. It felt like I couldn't look away, all I could do was breath in and out. I snaped out of it in a second when its rattle started rattling. It seemed like the peaceful, gentle snake that I saw was gone and a horrid infamous snake took its place.

I couldn't believe it could change so fast.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I heard someone screech. The scream tortured my ears. Then I heard a loud wailing sound like a siren that sounded when something bad occurred. I have never actually heard it before, only people talking about it in their fascinating story's. For know I will put my wondering aside and hope that all of this is a dream.

I looked back at the snake just as I remembered that it was horrifying. It fangs were extended out towards me, ready to bite. It bit me in the neck, pain started shooting in my neck and throughout my body in mili-seconds. I blacked out from its venom. My whole life flashed in front of my eyelids, like a movie. The last thing I remember is my parents yelling my name.

                                ><><><><>><><><><>< 3 days later><><>><><><><><><

I was miserable. My breathing was unsteady, it felt like my ribs were going to shatter. I couldn't open my eyes, not yet anyway. My lips were cracked, rough to the touch, I tried to moisturize them with my tongue but they dried up again within seconds.

I already knew it was night. It was getting cold fast...too cold, too fast. I tried to think of everything I knew about this situation before flinging to conclusion. A shiver ran through my body. I heard a sound that was unlike anything I have ever heard before out of my left ear. It sounded like it was coming from something much larger than me, almost like a growl. I shot open my eyes without thinking. That alone, took very much energy. I couldn't see what the growling noise came from but I motivated myself enough to lift my head about a half an inch off the ground and gave up. The pain was to unbearable. I kept my eyes open for as long as I could, catching a glimpse of gold and brown. I heard a high pitch screeching and I squeezed my eyes shut. I drifted off to sleep after thinking of the horrid creature.

Through out the whole night the mysterious creature roamed around my dreams. I didn't see what it was but I knew it was there, watching me. I woke up with a goal of getting water and if I could bear the pain, food. I wanted to get as far away from the creature that I heard last night, as I could. I was feeling well, considering what I have been through. I stand up, expecting to see trees to hide in, and lakes to catch fish in. But I saw nothing, nothing. All there was, was the blazing hot sun above me. I was standing in, in this stuff. I don't know what it is or how to explain it really. It wasn't rocks, or sand. It wasn't grass or wood chips. It was something but at the same time, it was nothing. It felt like it was living, I hoped it was just a feeling. It was a fading purplish color and it felt like it might belong on a silk dress. My clothes were torn and my shoes were stained red but not with blood. I had to make a plan. I needed food, water and to get out of this weird purple stuff. I didn't know what to do next.

"What's the next step towards living?" I whispered to myself. I don't know why, it was obvious that nobody could hear me even if there was a nobody.

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