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Sophie's pov

i woke up to the TV open and meloni and mark asleep

' i shouldn't wake them up but they look so cute ' i thought

i tiptoed inside the kitchen to get some cereal

my phone buzzed on the couch... SHIT!! but meloni and mark didn't wake up 

' i thought for sure that Mel would wake up because she is a light sleeper / heavy sleeper but whatever

i tiptoed back in the living room and opened the text


good morning beautiful




sorry if i woke you up but i just wanted to say good morning ;)


well no you didn't wake me up but whatever Justin :(


what happened?



' Justin sometimes you just piss me off ' i thought annoyed

i guess its because I'm cranky in the morning 


well I'm hanging out with Ryan and chaz u wanna join?


well nah not today but thanks for the offer i think tomorrow


k talk to you later


k bye

 i really didn't want to hang out with Justin today i wanted some girl time lemme call Nicole

( if you don't remember Nicole, she is the waitress from the place Sophie and Justin got breakfast from ( name: ole eatery ) i guess somewhere you eat from and whatever ) 

i called Nicole

" hey Nicole " i said

" hey Sophie " she said happily

' so... you want to hang out? " i said

" sure and i have a day off " Nicole said

" lets go to the mall " i said

" k i'll pick you up " Nicole said

" sure I'll be waiting " i said

" wait... 1 problem... i don't know where you live " Nicole said

" let me give you my address " i said

i gave her my address

" k be there in a bit " Nicole said

'" k ill be waiting... again " i said laughing

" lol OK ill be there bye " Nicole said

" k bye " Sophie said

and we ended the call


i heard a car honking 

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