the date

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Kayla's POV

" well, well, well, look who actually for once decided to stop by? " i said

" shut the fuck up Kayla, you know the only reason i came to  this trash you call home is because of Sophie " he said

" listen Justin, i know guys like you and i know you in general, so you better not hurt her or break her heart or i will literally rip off your dick " i said harshly

" sure slut " Justin said

" man whore " i sneered

" YO GUYS! I'M COMING DOWN! " Sophie said

" if you hurt her, remember ill cut your balls off! " i said

" whatever makes the slut happy " he said

" hey guys " Sophie said

" wow, Sophie, you look sexy! " he said

" you don't look bad yourself " she giggled

she was right, he was wearing a black plaid shirt with black jeans and black supras, for once he looked ok but i hate his guts so much!

" well we will be off right sophie? " he said

" yes justin, bye kaykay! dont do anything retarded! "she said

" oh trust me, i wont yet " she mumbled

" what ? " she asked

" nothing, have fun girl! " i said

" thanks, have fun here! " she said and walked to the car with Justin

" well im by myself " she thought and she turned on the tv

Sophie's POV

we walked to the car and he opened the door for me

" why thank you " i said

" your welcome my Majesty " he winked

he went in the car and drove away

" where are we going? " i asked

" somewhere, Sophie, its a surprise! " he said

" oh please!! " i begged

" then kiss me " he said

" where? " i said playing dumb

" lips of course " he said 

" fuck no, never mind keep driving " she said

" wow, you must really not like me " he said and sighed

" i do, just not that way " she said

" yet, not yet " he said

" wow, Justin, just... wow me!! " i said sarcastically

" k tonight, you will be all over me! " he said and laughed

" whatever " i giggled and looked outside the window

 1 hour later

' we're here " he announced

" oh k " i said

" wait, put this blindfold " Justin said

" you are so lucky i love surprises! " i said and put on the blindfold

" and that's why i lo- i like you " he said

" OK? " i said

he started walking with me and holding my hand to the place he was taking me.

" ok I'm taking it off " he said


we were at the beach on top and seeing a beautiful scenery

" Justin, this is beautiful " i whispered

" just like you " he said

 i blushed hard

" and your hot when you blush ' he said

 he pulled my chin up and before i knew it, he kissed me

   Kayla's POV

" ugh! when is this bitch getting home?! I'm SO bored!! " i said

i heard a loud CRASH!!

i ran outside and saw a car crash

it was dark out so i couldn't see the person!

" help please" it was British voice and it was sexy as ever but i didn't know who it was

i helped out the person and bring him inside

and when i turned him around, i couldn't believe it!

" harry styles... " i said

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            my friend Kayla loves harry styles so... her watt pad name again is louisxharryforever so follow her and i guess i made her dream come true in the story and oh yeah what do you think about Sophie and Justin's kiss? #jophie? and what did Kayla mean when she was threatening to cut Justin's balls off? wow so much questions. catch ya guys later. bye

- Sophie


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