Chapter ONE

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Last year of High school... last year of having my boy best friends around me... last year of being their one and only princess... and I'm feeling uncertain...

Hey there, let me introduce myself, I am Alexandreia Jei Smith most commonly known as Jei by others but my closest friends call me Xandreia , 15 , currently Senior high school at Harvard High School, I'm a simple person, others would often mistaken me as boyish, well Im not, I just love being with the guys, maybe because I grew up missin a boy figure at home... Dad has always been busy, or should I say I wasn't just dad's favorite for him to spare his time for me... That's why I grew up with the four boys of my life, Xian Mars Smith, Pete Andrew Lopez, Marc Joe Cruz and Dylan Stanley Thompson...

Well, let's start the story of my life ......

It's Sunday evening and I'm currently reading a pocket book I browed from Nessie, one of my classmate when my phone beeped... Seeing who it was... hmm I wonder what Xian needs...

I opened the message and read it...

From :


brad, have u made your homework? Go to school early so u can copy...

Nighty sweet dreams GBU J

I smiled as I read it... phew, I forgot I got a homework with my first subject which is trigonometry anyway, good thing Xian is there to save the day :0 i typed my response and hit send...



Oh oh!! I haven't , not sure if I can wake up early,

but I'll copy when I arrive, thankies Nighty night xoxo

The next morning, I arrived school at around 7:45, but my math teacher was already in our room.. Gosh, how could I copy we went to have our Flag ceremony and I was sweating crazy, our math teacher is a terror and I would certainly be sent out. After the ceremony and a few instructions we were sent back to our rooms. As I was about to sit down on my chair, I saw a note slipped in my books, I opened and it reads ...

Sweating crazy? Don't worry you won't be sent out,

I won't let it happen

I made u one J

Love, Dy

I looked at the person two chairs away from me and mouthed THANKS, he mouthed back ALWAYS...

Among my boys, Dylan has always been my savior...

After classes, we decided to walk to the plaza to chill a bit after the long day...

While walking:

Xian: brad, how's the courtship goin? (talking to Pete who's currently wooing a girl on the lower dept)

Pete: nah, I'm giving up, she's to hard to woe , did everything.

Me: aww.. well I guess she's playing hard to get. How about you Xian, are you still tryin to win Bree back?

Xian: nah. Got a new prospect..

Me: tsk tsk!! But I heard Marc's trying to impress the hot chick next class?

Marc: haha! No, I just treated her lunch one time , one time ok..

The irritable voice of Marc caused the group to laugh, He doesn't want everyone talking bout his love life. As we were walking Dylan hold my hand and said out of nowhere...

Dy: I'm courting Keisey.

Xian: wooh? The dancer ? but she has a boyfriend right?

Dy: yes she has. But I like her. Im trying to steal her away.

Me: but they've been going out for 3 years?

Dy: I know. But can u just support me?

That night, it got me thinking hard, Keisey and Dylan? Wtf!! But I can't do anything. It's his decision, he's right... I should support him... not later than a month a happy Dylan announced that they are going out...

We were all good and happy about it.. At least he got the girl he wants.. Graduation came... Xian and I took an entrance exam to the same university in New York, Pete moved to Quantico, Marc took an exam in a Uni in New York too, while Dylan took the US marines exam ... everything seemed so fine , the results came and we all passed.. Xian and I both passed the pre-law in SHU, Pete while be training for the FBI, Marc will be taking Bachelors in English and Dylan will be assigned to Asia for his Marine services.

Graduation came and finally, we will be biding goodbye to each other...

Five months later:

I was with Xian at the canteen chatting with some friends when an unknown number called:

Me: hello?

otherLine: Hi, how are you brad?

Me: Dylan?? Oh my gosh!! I miss you !! (I was half shouting that made Xian looked at me with crossed eye brow, I mouth Dylan to him )

Dy: I'm great, im in Cebu for the Ph-American joint training.

Me: oh gosh.. that's great, I haven't heard you in ages, I was texting your number.

Dy: sorry, phones aren't permitted in the site. It's my captain's phone, good thing you still have your number.

Me: aww.. of course, I can't change it.. for you... haha you should call more often. I missed you so much Dy.

Dy: of course, I will.. I missed you more Xan, I'll call you again later ok? It's way past midnight here, take care in going to school. Send my regards to the boys..

Me: Surely I will.. take care yourself Dy, cant wait to see you.

Dy: I know.. cant wait to see you too.. just a month more and I'll have my phone back... I'll always be around.. love you Xan, good night..

Time passed so fast, but he fulfilled his promised... he always calls me... I learned that him and Keisey broke up two months after he went on board. It seemed like we were back to what we were before, I was again his princess. We are the closest amidst distance... We always have our late night talks, silly jokes and crazy moments ... we always skype or video chat, he often calls me or message me ...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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