How you meet them

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(Y/N) = your name
(F/d) = favorite drink

Jacksepticeye : i was on my way to indi pop con, this is my first time being here and I'm trying to not look lost. Suddenly I bump into someone...
? : Are you ok
(Y/n) : yah I'm fine
I look down to see my favorite shirt stained with coffee
? : OMG I am sooo sorry
(Y/n) : ( you sigh ) it's ok
? : no seriously let me pay for a new shirt
( y/n ) : ok
I walk over with mystery man and I pick out this cute green shirt with an eyeball on it. I look over to see the guy blushing.
(Y/n) : what?
? : nothing
I just shrug it off and go to the register.
That will be ( amount $ ) I look over to see him take out a credit card , and he pays.
(Y/n) : I never got your name ?
? : my name is Sean but my friends call me jack
I see him look down at his watch
Jack : Oh I have to go , I hope to see you around .
(Y/n) : by the way my name is ( y/n )
Jack : you have such a pretty name , sorry but I have to go bye!
I go and change my shirt when I look into my shirt pocket ( yes it has a pocket ) I see a pice of paper
Call me some time :) ##########
I smile and quickly add the number to my phone before I forget his name

Pewdiepie : ( in this book martzia is not his girlfriend. I love her but none of these youtubers will have girlfriends in this book )
I was walking to Starbucks when I see this guy sitting on a bench playing on his phone. He looked cute and hopefully single . I walk over to him and sit down next to him.
(Y/n) : hi my name is (y/n) what is your name?
The guy looks up startled but quickly answers.
? : my name is Felix
(Y/n) : cool name is it...
Felix : Swedish
(Y/n) : oh cool... I was on my way to Starbucks did you want to come?
Felix : sure! That sounds like fun!!
We walk to Starbucks and I order (f/d) he orders black coffee. I look down at my phone and realize what time it is
(Y/n) :I have to go
Felix : ok can I see your cup for a second?
I hesitantly hand my cup over he writes something down then I rush home. When I look at the writing it says
Call me some time :) ##########
I smile and put the number in my phone

Markiplier : I was visiting my parents this weekend , as I was about to turn the corner I saw someone with red hair walking down the crosswalk after the 30 second time limit the red hand blinked rapidly like it knew someone was on the street. I ran as fast as I could to stop the guy from being ran over. I pushed him to the sidewalk just as a car cam full speed behind us. The guy looked at me like I was an angle , he stuttered.
? : who are you
(Y/n) : I am (y/n)
? : well thank you (y/n) my name is mark
(Y/n) : would you like to come to my parents house to let me make sure you are ok . They have a first aid kit their.
Mark: yes thank you
After mark and me got to my parents house my parents made it awkward. Soon he had to leave but not before giving me a hug. Later I was putting my hand in my pocket and found a pice of paper.
For my angle ########## plz call
I quickly added the number like if I didn't I would never be able to.

I hope you liked my first prefrence !!!

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