From: Michael_Clifford09@gmail.comToday my mom bought Honey Nut Cherrios. Your favorite. I couldn't eat them, thinking of you. Your most favorite part about Cherrios is the honey milk they left behind, it was so cute watching you drink the milk after the "O"s where all gone.
I remember when you told me about Cherrios being your favorite, we where camping in South Carolina. It was probably 3 in the morning, and you were craving your favorite food. Honey Nut Cheerios. That was the best camping trip I have ever been on, and most likely will always be that way.
Love you. -Michael.
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Draft Messages
RandomCarson and Michael broke up. Carson has been typing emails to Michael_Clifford09@gmail for 3 months, about how much she misses him. Little does she know, Michaels been doing the same. Sending similar messages to