4- Why me?

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Translations at the bottom loves!


     It has been a week since I typed the tree letters that changed everything. The whole school was talking about it.  Andrew was really happy with me. The funny part is, he never made me regret my choice once. He was so great, I don't really think he likes me for real but it was nice.  He opened doors for me, gave glares to guys when they even look at me and we texted a lot. It wasn't hard pretending because it felt so natural. Rach seems happy for me but she's also worried.

 I haven't talked to Alex since out fight though he keeps trying to apologize. I was stubborn enough to act like we didn't even know enough other. I know it's hurting him because he would rather fight with me then become invisible. But does he think just because he's captain of JV football and every girl looks at him like he's fresh meat, that I need him. He was completely out of line and I was gonna show him just how sorry he could get. 

"Bella, che cosa è il lavoro per stasera ?" Ms. Tociello asked.

"Ummm...per finire il pacchetto ?" I guessed, looking at the unfinished writing on the board. She glared at me and turned around to finish writing it.

" Before I dismiss you, one more announcement. I need Alex and Bella to come see me before you leave, the rest of may go once the bell rings." Her eyes grazed the whole room. I was confused, why would she need to see me? With Alex?


I have noticed that  you Alex have the lowest grade in the class, and you Bella have the highest grade" Ms. Tociello  turned to me.  NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! She had to be kidding. I can't do this! He's a jerk and I don't want to help him.  Why me?!

"No!" I Bellowed. She raised her eyebrow.  "I'm sorry but I can't tutor him." I explained.

"Ms. Carter you didn't even let me finish, but yes, you certainly will tutor him"

"Wait don't I get say in this matter?" Alex questioned.

"Unless you can find someone who has a better grade then Ms. Carter here, then I'm afraid you don't get a say. She gave him a stern look.

"Ms. Carter, you are behind on your service hours for National Honors Society and I will take these hours acceptable" Now she was blackmailing me? She was right, last month I was three hours behind and I have none for this month, so I had to take her up on the offer. I glared at Alex and I wasn't sure if was happy, annoyed, nervous or all three to receive this news.

I grunted my agreement and hurried out after Ms Tociello gave me a satisfied nod.

"Bella wait!"

I walked even faster. Alex caught up with me and I ignored him.

"Bella, look--

"Stop, this doesn't change shit. I will tutor you for an hour, three times a week and that's that. We do NOT need to talk about anything else because you're dead to me. "

The look on his face broke every part of me. His sandy bold hair drooped to his eyes which were filled with hurt and disappointed. He pursed his lips and nodded.

"I'm....I'm really sorry Bella, I didn't mean to hurt you like this. I know what I said was mean but I didn't mean it. I really care about you and I really don't want to lose you Bells, You mean the world to me. So... yeah.... I'm sorry" He walked away. I wiped my eyes and scolded myself for being a baby. I stormed off to my next class before seeing someone I knew.


I could feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I left as soon as the final bell rang and I didn't see anything to anybody. I assumed they were wondering where I was.

I returned Andrew's call.

"Bella are you okay? Everyone's worried about you." He was geniually concerned and I was touched.

"I'm fine, I'm about to drive back home. Tell everyone else not to worry."

"Babe are you sure? Alex is not even talking to me and he's really concerned. Did you guys have a fight?"

" Yeah, we did but it's nothing to worry about. Tell him to text me when he finishes football practice and I'll come by his place for tutoring."

"You're tutoring him? On what and why?"

"He's failing Italian and I'm missing service hours for NHS so I have to do this. Why do you care anyway? "

"I was just curious. I'm sorry, I'll let him know and text me when you get home"

"Okay bye!"

I hung up and went back to my car. I always came to this park when I was feeling off. I never told anyone about it. I guess it was my scared place.  I was so devastated after Alex and I talked. I felt so bad after yelling at him like that. I knew I was overreacting but I was really hurt about what he said. I think I hurt him even more though.

"I really care about you and I really don't want to lose you Bells, You mean the world to me."

"You mean the world to me too Alex" I whispered as I started the engine.


"Bella, che cosa è il lavoro per stasera ?" Means "Bella what's the Homework?"

"Ummm...per finire il pacchetto ?" Means "Ummm... to finish the packet?"


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