She'd Kill For Love

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Last night I went to dinner with a girl from one of my classes. Somehow we ended up at her house. We had a great time. I woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. "Wake up sleepyhead," she said in such an enthusiastic voice. "I'm awake, I'm awake," I said, dragging along. I walked outside to grab the paper. When I looked up I saw Destiny rushing out of her house. "Hey Destiny!" I shouted. She turned away as I walked towards her. I saw her bags by her car. "Where are you going on such short notice?" I asked. She started putting her bags in her car so quickly like she had to get out of town. We were best friends in high school but I've never seen her like this. "Oh, well are you taking your husband and baby with you?" She looked at me in the strangest way possible. "Speaking of them, where are they?" I asked. She didn't answer she just got in her car and drove away. I turned around and walked slowly. All of a sudden I heard tire screeching and a crash. I turned around and saw that Destiny got into an accident. I ran down the street like I was trying to win first place at the Olympics. While I was running I could see the nosey neighbors looking out their windows and looking out their doors. When I got to her car I broke the drivers' seat window with my elbow then I cut her seat belt and pulled her out the car. She was barely conscious, but I kept her awake.

To keep her awake I slapped her every time she drifted off. Then I heard sirens. "It seems that those nosey neighbors are very helpful," I thought. When they took her in the ambulance I ran back to Hannah's house. "What happened?" she said. I started crying when she said that. "Nick, tell me what happened," she said. "Destiny...she...she," I stuttered. Hannah sat down next to me trying to help calm me down. "She what?" she asked. "She was in a car accident," I cried. "Oh my God. Is she okay" she asked. I cleared my throat. "She was okay when she left," I said. Later on that night I left while Hannah was asleep to visit Destiny at the hospital.

"Destiny, are you okay?" I asked. She looked full of stress. "I'm fine, Nick, thanks for coming. I just have a few cuts and bruises," she said softly. I handed her some sunflowers, she looked at them and smiled. "Thanks," she said. "Hey, um, I'll be back later to see you," I said. "Okay be careful," she stressed. I looked at her and gave her a thumbs up.

I went back to Hannah's house. And I noticed that her car was gone. I just sat in the living room looking at a blank TV. I went up to Hannah's room and I saw that she left a note that read: "Nick, I left to go visit Destiny at the hospital. I'll be back soon."

--------------Hannah's POV--------------

I left Nick a note just in case he was wondering where I was. I went to the hospital to visit Destiny. When I walked in her room she was asleep. I could hear that she was mumbling something I couldn't make it out so I got closer. "Nick...Nick come back...Nick...Nick...Nick," she mumbled. I kinda just nudged her a little and she woke up. "Hey Destiny I'm Hannah," I said. She looked at me and said, "Hey, are you Nick's girlfriend?" she asked. I looked at her funny. "No we're just friends," I said.

---------------Nick's POV-----------------

The very next day I went back to the hospital. I walked into Destiny's room. We talked for about half an hour and then her phone rang. I walked over and looked out the window in her room. "What, no!" she screamed. She hung up the phone and started crying. "Destiny, what's wrong?" I asked. And she continued to cry so I walked over to her and held her to comfort her. "That was the Fire Marshal , he told me that someone burned my house down and my husband and my baby were in there," she said. I wiped her tears away. "Destiny, I'm so sorry that this happened to you." I stayed at the hospital for 2 days comforting her. The nurse came in and told me that Destiny could leave, so I helped Destiny out of her bed and I went to the front desk to sign her out. I sat in the waiting room for her for about 5 minutes. "Hey, I'm ready," she said. I stood up and walked her out the hospital and drove her to my house.

I showed her around my house. She yawned. "Here you can lie down," I offered.

And she lied down on my bed, I put the cover on her. "If you need anything just let me know," I said. When I turned around to look at her she'd already dozed off to sleep. I went back downstairs to fix something to eat then her phone rang. "Hello," I said. I heard this raspy yet deep voice on the phone ask for Destiny. So I ran up stairs and gave Destiny the phone. It was hard to wake her up so i flipped her off the bed. I handed her the phone and she snatched it from me. "Thanks. Hello. Yeah. What?! Leave me alone!" she yelled. And she hung up. "What was that about?" I asked. She threw the phone on the bed. "It was nothing, just my annoying brother," she said quickly. "Okay well I'm fixing dinner right now. What kind of wine do you like?" I said. She thought for a second. "I really like champagne," she said. We ate dinner.

So since Destiny and I were sleeping in the bed together I had to be aware. Destiny and I both had a little fun and then we went to sleep. And just when my dream started to get great, Destiny's phone rang again. "Hello," she said in a monotonous tone. I could hear the voice but I couldn't make out what they were saying. But then I heard Destiny start to sob quietly. "Destiny what's wrong?" I asked. She just said that it was her brother. I'm really starting to get skeptical about this but I let it go. When I woke up the next day, I turned on the tv. Destiny wasn't in the bed so I got up to see where she was. "Destiny, where are you?!" I yelled. I heard some sobbing coming from the bathroom, and I slowly opened the door and I saw Destiny in a corner curled up in a ball. "Destiny, what's wrong?" I asked. She looked at me through her tears and said, "While you were asleep, I got another call. They told me that my parents were killed last night." I sat down next to her and I put my arm around her to comfort her. "You've been through a lot lately and you need some alone time, I'll leave you alone for a little bit, okay?" When I got up to leave, she grabbed my hand and said, "No, don't go, stay for me." I looked at her. "Okay," I said.

There was some knocking at my door. I looked through the peephole and asked who it was. "It's Detective's Beck and Johnson, we need to ask you some questions." I opened the door and let them in. "Hey there, My name is Nick, and this is my friend Destiny," I said. They came in and sat in my reclining chairs. "Okay, now, Mrs. Logan we are very sorry for your loses. We'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind," said Det. Beck. Destiny wiped her tears away and shook her head "yes".

"Do you know anyone that would want to kill your family? Did they have any enemies?" asked Det. Johnson. She thought for a second. "No and no, they got along with everyone," she cried. The detectives looked at each other and I hugged Destiny so that she could stop crying. "I'm sorry, I just miss them so much. I wish it was me and not them," she sobbed. I rubbed her back and wiped her tears away. "Destiny, lay down and I'll be back okay," I said. I walked the detectives outside. "So how much evidence do you have?" I asked. "Not much, there were no fingerprints, fibers, or hairs", said Det. Beck. I looked Detective Beck in the eye and said, "I had a little detective training, I bet I could help y'all." They looked at me and said that it wasn't necessary but I insisted.

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