You're Pregnant *Liam*

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Hey guys, so I decide I was going to publish this today because I couldn't wait until Monday, but I hope you guys enjoy.

You've have been throwing up constantly every morning for the past week. You couldn't keep anything down, you were tired, and you were craving a lot of weird things. Your friend kept telling you that maybe you might be pregnant, but you told her, there was no way, Liam always and I mean always wrapped it up. So, you thought maybe it was just a stupid stomach bug that would probably blow over in a few days. So, as those few days came along, the throwing up and tiredness only got worse. So you decided that maybe it wasn't a stomach bug. And that's how you ended waiting at the clinic that Saturday.

"Y/N, Y/L/N" the doctor said holding a clip board.

"That's me" I said, getting out of my sit following her to the room, they had provided me in the back. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I was beyond nervous.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" She asked in an kindly voice.

"Well, lately, I've been throwing up a lot, like every morning and after I eat, um I've been very moody and tired." I said as I watched her write down all of that on her clipboard.

"Mrs. Y/L/N, have you been sexual active lately?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes" I said remembering when me and Liam had sex, two weeks ago.

"Ok, well can you lay back for me, love while I go get the ultrasound" she said giving me a warm smile. As she left the room to go get the ultrasound, I nervously waited for her to come back.

"Ok, can you pull your shirt up please?" She asked applying some gel to a stick thing (A/N: I have no clue what those are called).

"This might be cold" she said, I hissed as she put the cold gel on my stomach. She moved it around looking for something on the screen, when a small bean-like thing popped up on the screen.

"What is that" I asked scared that it might be cancer or a tumor.

"Well Y/N, you are..........

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I thought maybe I can make this into a series, so I will be updating Monday and next week find out how you will find out your are pregnant with Louis' baby!

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