Thick thighs greasy fries.

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That feeling of the delicious custard dripping down the side of my little finger, the vanilla icing sticking to my warm lips. The blissful oily dough melting in my mouth like ice cream on a summers day. I had already indulged in the six pack of doughnuts, the last has to be slowly devovered. I wanted to taste all the ingredients, including the chocolate swirls in the icing, the sprinkles on top and the sugar dusting at the bottom. I wanted the flavour to linger on my taste buds all day long. I wanted to lay in bed before I sleep and still feel the sugary sweetness. I popped the last bite into my mouth and closed my eyes. I didn't care that I was currently hiding in the toilets. Back firmly pressed against the wall. It doesn't matter where I was, because I was already in heaven.

I opened my eyes as I swallowed the last bite. I stayed silent before quickly opening the main zip section of my backpack. My eyes lit up; amongst the empty crisp packets, sweet wrappers and half ate biscuits, is a brand new packet of chocolate brownies. I could already taste the goodness, making my mouth water. "Fatty Jazzy, stuffing her face again!" I ignored the bullies from the other side of the door. Slowly tearing the packet open, trying not to cause too much noise. My fringe sticking to my sweaty forehead, my anticipation getting too much. I ripped open the packet "S.hit" I muttered, the brownies scattering like a piece of artwork on the toilet floor. With effort, I got on my hands and knees and collected the dirty brownies. Picking them up, blowing them and stuffing them in my mouth. I have now got a all new low.

After eating all the brownies, I wiped my mouth on the back of my sleeve and straightened out my clothes. Grabbing my rucksack and exiting the bathroom. I checked to see if the coast was clear, I darted down the corridor, trying not to be seen by a teacher. The outside door was insight, my cheeks red and heart beating fast. That was the most I've ran in my life. "Jasmine , Aren't you meant to be in your lesson?" I stopped, turning around to see the male gym teacher. I sighed and threw my rucksack to the floor "Jas, you know we have a deal. You have a gym consultation every Friday." He folds his muscular arms over his puffed out chest. "Look right, I shouldn't have to be made to do anything. I am an eighteen year old independent woman. If I want to be obese. I can!" I puff out. "But you don't want to be obese, do you?" I pretended I didn't hear him "Come on Jas, otherwise you'll get a meeting with the college nurse and nutrition team. You know this!" I rolled my eyes and picked up my rucksack. "Fine. But know that I am extremely mad at you!" He laughs and shrugs his shoulder, resting a hand on my shoulder and leading me to the sports hall.

"Jasmine, I thought you wasn't going to come" The female gym teacher (whom I never actually got the name of) sits with the clipboard on her lap and scales by the wall. "So how is this gonna work? You're gonna weigh me, say I've put on weight. Lecture me about the right healthy foods. Make me write in that stupid food diary you gave me at the beginning - Which I haven't used yet - " - " Jasmine, just get on the scales." She rolled her eyes. "Fine, but just remember. I'm wearing heavy clothes." She looks at me, she's not buying it.

I set off and look at the brick that I'm in close proximity of "212 pounds. Jasmine, this is getting a worry now" I rolled my eyes. "Spare me the details. I don't care about my body. I'm happy. Do you know how it feels, sitting in front of the sofa, feet up on the coffee table. Watching The X Factor whilst slowly enjoying a packet of sour cream Pringles dipped in a jar of chilli dip? No. It's heaven." I laughed. "You wouldn't know because you're a stick. Like Victoria Beckham and Cheryl Cole. They have no talent. I am in a close community with Adele, Rebel Wilson and Kelly Clarkson. Who all have talent! So who's laughing now!" I flung my rucksack over my shoulder and chuckled to myself as I left.

Except. In my head, I wish I weighed less. I'm Fat and Ugly. My mother is big but, apparently at 45 it's more acceptable than a 18 year old being fat. I've always loved food, never dieted or even cared about calories but since moving to a new town, I feel like I get judged more. Walking through the corridors and through the street, all I see is skinny girls. They look happy and content, why can't I be like that? Why can't I be happy and content? How come I have to be a whale? Do I deserve this? I mean of course i do! It's my fault i'm fat. But i'm in a committed relationship with food and we're planning on getting married in the summer, I can't give it up that easily... Can i?

*** Harry fanfic! I hope you'll enjoy this! Comment what you think will happen, you never know... you could guess right! Vote too! Thankyou <3 --- Naomi xox ***

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