This is the first chapter of my book! It is a sample so after this chapter I won't be posting anymore until I finish my other book The Silent Girl. I hope you enjoy it! As you can see the idea of reincarnation in this book and my other book The Silent Girl are very different. Tell me what you think.
I clicked the off button on the remote. The show was funny, dramatic, and just plain amazing. It was everything I aspired my life to be like.
Why couldn't I be perfect like Kim or Kylie or Kris? Why couldn't my name start with a K! Oh how I would kill to be a Kardashian.
Wow. That was actually not a bad idea. I had really low self esteem since I started watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians because I knew I would never be as good as any of them.
But maybe I could kill people. I could become a mass murderer an force them to make me a legal member of their family or I would never stop.
Yeah. That could totally work.
I walked over to my computer and Googled "how to kill someone". It turned out to be harder than I thought. You needed a weapon. And a target. And a background with being a criminal. Google was right. I had no idea how to kill someone.
Oh poop. My plan was ruined. Now I would never be awesome.
I was 26. I lived by myself in an apartment in Los Angeles. I didn't have a boyfriend or a social life (I was too busy stalking Kim and Kanye). I was probably their biggest fan.
I didn't need family or friends when I had them. I could just turn on the TV an see them, or go to LA or Hollywood on a hunt and try to find them. Unless they were on vacation. Then I would book a flight and fly out to wherever they were.
I've gotten arrested 17 times for stalking them and trespassing on they're property. Kim was pretty p****d off, but at least I got to see her. Now she knows what a loyal fan base she has.
I know I said I had no social life, but I am President of the Kim Kardashian fan club. We never meet, it all done online, and we send her a new Piece of fan mail everyday. Yep we're dedicated.
So anyway, that's enough about me. Now back to reality.
I was still sitting at the computer still just surfing through the web, mostly reading Kardashian fanfiction.
Oh shoot. I clicked on a link. It was probably spam.
I tried to exit out. The page loaded. It wasn't spam. It was an information page on something called "reincarnation". What the heck is that. I started reading because I mean, why not.
It was actually really cool. If you died, you could come back to life as someone else at their birth. It was extremely intriguing and such an implausable idea.
But I was in awe. Just like that. With one death comes another life.
Everything clicked into place. I would die. I would purposely die and when I got to heaven or wherever you go when you're dead, I would just ask to be Kim Kardashians daughter.
It was in all the magazines and news articles that Kim Kardashian was pregnant. Oh man. The juices in my brain were flowing.
This was a foolproof plan. Now onto how to die. I could get someone else to do It for me, but I didn't know anybody and had no social life so that was out the window.
Or I could do it myself. A knife, no the window. I looked over at the open window in the other room. Perfect.
I ran over to it and looked out. It was only a 100 foot drop. What was so bad about it?
I perched myself in the window sill like a bird ready to take flight from its nest. (I am very proud of that simile.)
With one push of my legs I jumped from the sill.
I plunged to my doom. I heard screams below me and shouts for help. I couldn't see anything because I was spinning through the air.
I hit the ground. All I felt was pain in my body before I sunk into black.
My only regret was that I wouldn't be able to maintain my status in Kim Kardashian Hollywood.

Keeping Up With the Reincarnations
HumorAsia is a fan of Kim Kardashian. Let me rephrase "fan". She was practically a stalker of the ENTIRE Kardashian family. One day after watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians she realizes how many people she would murder to be part of their family. A...