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"Truth, Unity, and Community,
These are the foundations of our society! You are the base of our social structure, the people who are blessed with the gift of servitude. Your desire to work fuels our factories. That is why we grace you with our whip and give you a place to sleep and food to eat. This is why we cloth you and protect you from the evils of free will. You are our slaves and this gives you great pride. Honor thy master and his family this is your only command." Came the voice from the hypnopædic teaching device. With the ringing of a bell we were all woken up. Every morning was the same routine. Turn off you hypnopædic teaching aid and place it on your pillow. Then get dressed and head out to the fields.

I live in the country of Cer, in the state of Germany. My family works for the Van Schultz family. My mother works in the main house and my father drives the carriage, while my brothers and I work in the fields, picking berries. We came to the Van Schultz family after our parents previous owners were unable to pay their debt. When we are ready for work we meet at the dock and get on a boat that takes us down the river to the island were we work.

"Ugh... we've been working in these damn fields for three months!" came the voice of my youngest brother, Emilio, from the next row over.

"Well than, we only have three more weeks and we get to go to the blackberry fields." retorted my older brother.

"Why cant we work in the processing hut with Ricky?" asked Emilio.

"Because our masters want ugly little boys like you out in the fields to scare of Der Grossman!" retorted my older brother, Agustin.

Every year went the same way. We start in the strawberry fields that are two years old and till them. After that we throw fertilizer on them and till the soil and maneuver together. When the strawberry fields are ready we move to the Blackberry fields were we pull the weeds from the previous years. When you reach the age of 18 you move to the processing hut. There we make jellies and juices and send them to the docks to get shipped off.

"Think on the bright side what ever we pick that doesn't fit in the crates we get to eat." I said trying to get my brothers to stop their unceasing bickering.

"Woop de freaking do, im sick of strawberries if i never see another one in my life id be perfectly happy." said Emilio.

"Hey were not paying you to talk get back to work." said our overseer.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." said my brothers in unison.

"Now that's a good little field hand. You both get an extra handful of berries tonight." said the overseer in a childish voice.

"oh, goodie." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that Miguel?" asked the overseer.

"Nothing master" I retorted.

"Do you want to spend extra time with me and my whip tonight?" asked the overseer.

" Careful master, that type of talk might raise questions about what team you bat for. You wouldn't want to end up in jail."

"You little brat." he exclaimed as he dismounted his horse. stepping toward me he pulled out his whip.

As the overseer stepped closer to me my older brother stepped between us and began to bargain with the ugly brute.

"Please sir, it's just the heat of the sun boiling his blood." pleaded my older brother.

"Alright princess, since you want to stick out your neck for this brat you both get to clean up after dinner. Now, get back to work." said the overseer

"Do you still want to visit you tonight?" I shouted as the overseer turned to walk back to his horse.

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