The End?

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So after some deliberation (and some lovely comments from you guys) I have decided to mark "Mutual" as finished so that I can continue on in the next installment (I am working on it I promise).

Unfortunately in the past year I've been dealing with  a LOT of issues in my personal life, from the loss of two close family members, to moving, and spending an unhealthy amount of stressing over my self-image, my future, and what I want to be doing with my writing and other hobbies.

Some of you may know that despite being and avid writer, it isn't what I planned on doing with my life. I wanted to be a zoologist studying disease and extinction prevention in animals. But recently I've began to question doing this after job shadowing a biologist doing the same work that I would be doing when I graduate. I'm really at a loss for what I should do now...and it has been effecting my ability to create the fanfiction (and other work) that I used to work so hard on.

In the next few months I'm hoping to get back into the hang of writing. So please hang with me as I'm re-adjusting myself to trying to update on a regular schedule.

Mutual (A TheSyndicateproject/Tom Cassel)Where stories live. Discover now