The city was enormous. It was beautiful. And so much colour. There were obelisks that rose into the sky casting their shadows across the rest ground. They marked the districts and were built of stone. The city held an equally impressive arena, for sports and games that drew people from all around; A place where both woman and men fought side by side against the common enemy. People were lining up to queue inside, some dressed in bright blues, yellows, reds, and some with hats. Some were dressed in sandy brown colours that matched the sands from beyond the city walls. But nobody cared about fashion, they were there simply for the games.

My feet seemed to move of their own accord weaving through hoards of people, scattering wildly like a child in a candy store. It was uncontrollable. The passion the excitement ,like waking up in a novel and prancing about. Somehow although I had no idea where I was, how I got here, or even if I was alive or not I did not care. Like nothing really matters anymore. Maybe that's just what being dead feels like, like you are so very detached from all the suffering of life yet still so at home in the new land you have been thrust upon. Although iv got to say iv never really believed in God. It just doesn't seem to make science in my messed up little head. Why would he let people be tortured and beaten if he truly loved them? Why would he let them do what they did to Bruno if he cared about everyone? Bruno. His name, his entire essence of being seemed to draw me back to reality. I needed to make sure he was ok, and Freya( although an extremely annoying narcissistical little squirt) was my adopted sister, and I loved her so. I had to find them, had to make sure they were both okay before I would relax in this. Well... Wherever I was... So not even having any real direction or actual plan I spun around and started plodding along the bustling town square. Although there was something strange about this place I couldn't quite put my finger on. Everything just seemed wrong. Even the roads seemed different. Cleaner. Somehow they all had beautiful gardens with such exotic plants I could have even dreamt of, and the bring they were made from was hardly even brick at all. It was smooth to the touch like some sort of marble yet it was still a deep grey colour so opposing to the elegant orange sunrise that was gently rising above my head. Nothing at all like my chimney smoked, smoggy foster home back in London, but then I didn't think I was anywhere near home now.


I had walked along until I could no longer barge my way through crowds of hushed, sweating bodies, like a tsunami of shapes ,none of which I knew. Then I would turn and try a new direction. Each seemed fruitless and identical until the very last. It was just like all of the others however at the very far end was a plant.

The apple tree was most definitely, should have been the jewel of the garden.I just stood there drinking in the aromas of the late summer blooms, soothed by the waterfall between the two ponds and sinking myself into the watercolours of colour. However, the neglected tree was in no state to be the jewel of anything. The bark had a sort of creeping mildew and the leaves were curled in an unhealthy way. It bore an extremely strange sort of what I believed to be fruit , some even with a pink blush, but they all bore deep brown spots. Although something about them enticed him to take a bite. There was one. Right up on the up-most branch with a wonderful shine and smooth skin. My stomach grumbled then. I hadn't eaten in... well.. it was morning when I was home but now it looks like the sun could be setting although it had only been about an hour .. Creeping towards it I glared around hoping nobody was watching me, I didn't want any trouble to come. There was nobody in sight.

I was so close I could almost smell the sweet slightly tangy scent that came off the tree. Reaching out my hand I was only steps away from the tree when a boy leapt out from behind it.

"I wouldn't do that is was you" he muttered as though he was hardly even paying attention to my presence. He was staring intently at the piece of fruit he spun around in his fingers.

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