I Couldn't Take It Then, But I'm Back

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I apologize if my story or writing capabillity does not appeal to you but it's my first story I've EVER written.

Slideshow of Saya on the side ---------------------------------------------------->

Not a chapter, just a preview...


   'Everyone told Saya she was useless. She believed them. They told Saya she was stupid. She still believed them. Everyone called Saya fat and ugly. She agreed.

   Saya Maven could only trust one person. No, not her parents or brothers. They called her a waste of space. She had no friends at school. The students were the main problems anyways. She only had one person she'd never met and she considered him a friend.

   Tyler Roy, Alpha of the Skyslayer Pack (most fierce and dangerous pack). His pack is located in Texas, a long way from New Jersey. He wants Saya to come live with him away from her old pack. She kept declining until the day she met her mate. Her mate: the man who's supposed to accept her no matter what she looks or acts like. Supposed to love and cherish her. Supposed to be everything she needs.

   Well thats what she thought, until her 15th birthday.

   Her mate, the gorgous future Alpha of the Silverpaw Pack, Aaron Silver, rejects her as his mate.

  Finally, Saya decides she's finished with her old life and wants to start new, with Tyler's pack. She packs up and leaves at exactly 11:57pm, April 14th, 2009.

   What happens when Saya returns 1 and 1/2 years later to train the Silverpaw Pack? Saya is no longer the fat, weak, awkward, shy girl, but the fit, sexy, strong, self-satisfied, outgoing fighter girl.

  What happened since she left? What will happen now that she's returned?'



I don't have much to say except I hope you keep reading my story and I will try to upload as much as possible, but I have lots of homework, sports and clubs.



FAN? (if you want to. you don't have to I guess...but i still hope you do)

LOVE!! <3

Lauren =)

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