The Decision ~ Chapter 1

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I’m sorry! I just don’t really know where to go with my story since there are a lot of similar ones and I’m trying to make it different…

P.S. i like squigglies!! ~~~~~ <3

On with the chapter!!!

The Decision. Chapter 1.

Saya P.O.V.

Another day of hell, Saya thought mentally as she reached to stop the shrill sound coming from her alarm clock. Today was just another day, she thought, nothing important is going to happen. But somewhere deep in her gut, something told her otherwise.

“Strange.” Saya blurted aloud, but quickly clasped her hands over her mouth. She should know better, she knew this could happen if she spoke…

As she expected, the door smashed in with a BANG! And Saya was projected to a wall of stone.

She looked up to whom in your family would be expected to love you and help you learn right from wrong. But, when Saya looked up, all she saw were two people so, cold-hearted, selfish and cruel she neglected calling them parents, as they neglected her.

            “SHUT THE F*CK UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SH*T,” my dad hollered, through out the quiet house. Great, now he’s mad. My mom just snickered next to him. If your question is ‘how could they’ve heard you?’ Then my answer is simple. Werewolf hearing. Yep, you heard me right I’m a werewolf. But that story is for another time. I’ve been through this routine since I was 10. Yelling, abuse then…rape. Yes my dad rapes me. But only we know. He’s threatened me not to tell anyone, and whom would he tell? Not his mate for sure. Then again, whom would I tell? It’s not like anyone would care.

Except him. He’s the only one who cares for me. The one I tell everyone to. And I mean EVERYTHING. He’s like my own personal diary. He knows my past. He’s the only one who knows the full truth. He’s Tyler Roy, Alpha of the Skyslayer Pack. Tyler’s been asking me to join his pack, but ‘ve never had a good enough reason to. Even though the experience sounds like heaven on Earth.

(Back to reality…)

I watched helplessly as my dad told my mom he’d rather not her watch… I’d just rather not anything.

After she left, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek and fell to the ground. I did what I’d learned to do from previous events, and stayed quiet. He only wants you to scream. I told myself. He then kicked me in the ribs and threw me on the bed…

(Later. After the cruel and unusual.)

Dirty. If any word could describe me now, that would be it. I grazed my hands over the bloody, freshly made wounds. That’s going to need a sh*t load of cover-up to hide from the weres‘ eyes.

I headed to the shower to scrub any of him away. I didn’t need the memories. No one did.

After I dried myself off I headed to my closet to wear my usual attire, baggy clothes, they suit me.

I snuck past my family and headed to school.


Sorry my dog is being an ass so I have to cut the chapter short…blame it.





(The picture on the side is of Saya's house, and its real but costs $75 million dollars)

Song of the Chapter:

Words I Never Said - Lupe Fiasco

Lauren <3

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