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   A/n: trying to make their personalities more like them because I noticed I kinda made them into what I thought their personality would be best for the situation and also making ayato be the "person in charge" for once XD (but I'm most likely going to fail because I view kaneki as a more in charge person because anyway he beat Ayato's ass to a pulp on the... One episode

Ayato's P.O.V
We ran as fast as we could the water droplets poured down at us at a terrifying pace it almost stung my face , I grabbed kaneki and ran to my house which very conveniently was right on the corner , I jammed the keys into the lock and twisted it, me and kaneki ran into the house.

I slammed the door shut and breathed heavily balancing my weight on the door, kaneki was on his knees breathing heavily like me I took my coat off opened the door and squeezed most of the water out, hung it back up and slid my shoes off so I was left wearing my wet plain black shirt and soaked jeans , I couldn't help but notice kaneki, his clothes stuck to him and his hair limply stuck to his face, he looked up at me and caught me staring at his chest I slowly felt the pink flush creep into my face and kaneki looked back down not seeming to notice me almost infuriating that he made no emotion not even a smirk!

Why was he so emotionless?
Why happened to him to make him so different?

I softly growled trying not to let kaneki hear my frustration, I walked  past him and walked into the  kitchen turning the coffee machine on, I turned around and was almost touching noses with kaneki looking dead into his grey eyes, I leaned back into the counter and he stood stiff watching me "uh k-kankei please personal space " I softly put my hand on his shoulder pushing him away I leaned back and stood straight, jumped up and sat on the counter.

"GEESH why do you always get so close to people..." I muttered awkwardly tapping the counter, he looked  to the side and scratched his neck "I didn't really mean to ... I guess I just don't really think about those things anymore " he frowned , "Wait so you don't really think about it ..? Or can you just not feel it?"  I questioned not knowing I sounded very perverted, "I honestly haven't played with my emotions enough to understand myself yet, which seems to be the worst when you are one microscopic inch away from another guy..." He joked and I did a genuine short laugh, "well I guess you can be humorous" I smiled,  "oh really I guess I can be " he smiled back sweetly, "have you like never blushed since you 'changed'?" I asked curious, "uhm- I don't think so ..." He thought, "I have a question " kaneki stared at me "why where you staring at me when we finally got into the house?" He innocently looked curious, the pink flush crept into my cheeks again and I stuttered "I just -i don't - I d-didn't!" I ,flustered , ran my hands through my bangs suddenly he smirked "oh it was one of those emotions..." Suddenly I pushed him against the wall our noses almost touching his face went back to that monotone expression, "S-SHUT UP" I growled , pushing both hands over his shoulders, "I should've finished you off when you were on the floor pathetic fighting for my sister" I snapped "and to think I was pitying you" I growled , honestly I felt mean I didn't mean those words I just wasn't thinking, "I'm curious" he said in his normal monotone voice, "curious about what bakanek-" I was inturupted when he slammed his lips into mine, WHAT WAS HE DOING?!

I frantically walked back and slammed into the counter holding my mouth "W-w-WHAT THE FUCk" I yelled blushing hard, he just stood their not moving with a dumb smile on his face, "I expected that reaction..." He smirked.

Kaneki's P.O.V
Actually I just was sick of him acting so tough even though I could read him like a book, but even when I did it I felt something weird, just like with rize before she went rouge...

He could make me feel weird things, but I was somehow addicted, I liked the feeling.

"Y-y-yo-you cant just fucking kiss people randomly!" He said frustrated and I could see him blushing , why not play a little ? He was the one who said I could be humorous!

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