*insert aggressive title*

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A/n: kill me lmao btw they are in a normal human world and they aren't ghouls in this one and Ayato and Touka have a normal brother and sister relationship.

Ayatos P.O.V

I sat on my bed silently cursing my lazy ass out. "Ayato.. on the count of 3 get up and get food..." I layed down motionless. "3... 2...1" Again nothing I didn't make any slight movement at all.

"YUURI! Yuuri... Yuuri!~ yuuri..."

"FUCK! I THOUGHT I CHANGED THE RINGTONE!!" I fumbled for my phone and looked at the screen. It was my sister Touka, I wonder what she needed.

I answered the phone, "hullo?" I murmured getting up and sitting on my bed. "Hey Ayato..." woah Touka sounded bad... what was wrong with her. I heard a sneeze on the other side of the line, "Sis are you okay...?" I said starting to get concerned.

"I'll try to explain my situation as quickly as possible..." she started. A few coughs later and she began to explain... "So you know how I graduated high school? They are having a little get together again so we can see eachother again and it's tonight but I'm sick and I can't go.." I started walking around my house and into my kitchen grabbing some milk for cereal.

"Okay but what does this have to do with me?" I questioned as she took a deep breath. "Your not going to like this but... I was wondering if you could dress up as me and go to the party..." I spat out my milk and dropped my bowl.

"AYATO ARE YOU OKAY?" She yelled into the phone, "NO FUCKING WAY AM I CROSSDRESSING AS YOU TOUKA!" I yelled back at her. "Pretty please!" She asked. "I don't even look remotely like a girl!" I exclaimed.

"Pssh yeah right you sure looked like a girl in that school play a few years ago..." I could hear her grinning on the other side. "W-we don't talk about the school play..." I shivered.

"Come on Ayato! ...Alright fine then I'll pay your rent for the next few months" she begged. "Buy me cupcakes..." I demanded. "Okay fine but you have to do it !" She yelled. "Okay okay... do you have the clothes I could borrow..." I sighed.
"You betcha!" She yelled enthusiastically.

I clicked the phone shut and sighed begging to clean the milk up.

Really it's only like a few hours... it couldn't be that bad...


I walked out of my sisters bathroom wearing something... hideous...

It was very girly and ... revealing...

Nothing too bad but... it was a stupid black skirt I bent over once to pick something up with it once and I regret it all. Why must she hate me...

She smiled at me and started walking around me adjusting the clothes the right way. "Your hair is fine I guess just keep it to the side." She stepped back admiring her work and smirked. "I don't think you realize how feminine you really are..." she smirked wider as I cursed her out.


"Have a fun time !" She waved me off and handed me a piece of paper with the address. "Kaneki..." I murmured looking at the address. I was really good friends with him for most of my high school years. I knew he had a little fling with my sister but I heard it ended really well and they just put it in the past. After he was over my sister we got really close... maybe it was because he was mourning my sister? Hmm I wonder...

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