Chapter 4:

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Elizabeth Chambers age 35 raped and murdered.

Kailee and Lucas Chambers looked on as they found their mother, Elizabeth Chambers lying at the bottom of the stairs with fragments of clothing and exactly 8 stab wounds.

The report describes a tumultuous relationship between 35- year- old Elizabeth Chambers and 37-year-old Matthew Chambers, who were in a relationship for 5 years and married for 6, later having two children Kaillee (age 4) and Lucas (age 13).

Wittiness, Lucas Chambers said he had taken his little sister to the park when the incident happened."I thought she fell down the stairs after she took her habitual evening shower until I flipped her over to see eight bleeding wounds in her chest and stomach. Her clothes were ripped right off her, obviously she was raped."" says Lucas.

"Someone killed my mommy" says Kailee in tears.

Investigators found no trace of evidence left on Elizabeth's body but found the back door of the Chamber's household wide open and beat down. The Chambers neighbor, Gretchen Harris says that on the night of the murder, she saw a man running through the Chambers' backyard. Harris says the man was wearing a doc-


    The doctor was standing by the door with the TV remote in his hand and a scowl on his face. "Miss. Cross, I must inform you that the usage of the television is not permitted." He glared right at me and crushed the old TV remote with his right hand.


     "Sorry, didn't know." I answered, pulling the thin white sheet over me.


     "Radiation causes kills brain cells and causes brain damage and we don't want our patients having brain cancer at such a young age." he said in a slightly angry tone. He shook his head and smiled, "are you feeling better Miss. Cross? Do you need anything?"


     I rolled my neck and groaned, "Um yeah, can I have some pain pills? My ribs are like crushed against my lungs and it's hard for me to breathe."


     The doctor pulled out a bottle with two small, white pills and handed them to me. "Careful when you take them, don't want you getting addicted." he chuckled and walked back to the door. "Oh and you should be ready to leave by tonight." his last words before he walked out.


     "Addicted? Bull shit. Do I look like a drug addict?!" I murmured as I gulped the pills down followed by some water. The coldness of the water soothed my chest as I took a deep breath.


     "At least you'll be able to go home tonight." Aron stated as he walked back over to me from his chair. He smiled his bright, white smile and patted me on the head.


     "Yeah, I guess you're right, but I'm still having pains,  why would he let me out so early?" I questioned and i pushed his hand off my head.


     Aron shrugged, "Beats me, but the docs always right, they went to med. school" He poked my nose and handed me a piece of gum.


     "Yeah yeah whatever, that doctor was really creepy. If we aren't allowed to watch TV then why put a damn tv in the room? Poor Lucas, he goes to my school. That's the second murder here in Shadow Wood Aron." I exclaimed as I flicked him in the forehead. I slowly unwrapped the piece of gum out of its wrapper and popped it in my mouth, Stride Mystery Flavored gum. The flavor exploded in my mouth as I chewed, the taste lingered in my mouth before vanishing after a couple minutes.


     "It's ashamed, poor kids. I guess we should be extra careful too ya know." Aron reminded me. He always gets serious when something bad goes on in town. I personally don't mind it, I know he's just trying to keep me safe, after all, we're like siblings.


     "Of course, now move so I can get changed. I want to get out of this creepy hospital as fast as possible." I said as I climbed out of bed, closing the curtains around me and taking off the hospital gown, slipping on a pair of baggy sweatpants, a purple tank top and my Asking Alexandria t-shirt. I sat down on the edge of the bed thinking to myself. What if we're really in danger, it happened to Lucas's mom and they dont live that far from me. Just coming out from the hospital im an easy target. I shook the thoughts out of my head. I wondered how Mom and Dad were doing, probably in the bakery or something. I let out a soft sigh and stuck my hands in my pocket, only to feel a sharp pain and wetness coming from my finger. "Ouch damnit!" I shouted as Aron opened the curtains and kneeled down by me.

     "Macy what happened?!" he quickly asked  as I pulled my hand out, only to see that my finger was sliced and now bleeding. I carefully pulled out what cut me out of my pocket. It was an old razor blade with a serrated edge, stained with dried blood. "Macy.." Aron sighed as he turned away from me.


     I frowned as i set the razor blade down and cleaned the fresh cut on my finger. "Aron it's not like I did it on purpose, I didn't know it was in my pocket!"


     One fact that I bet you didn't know about me, I like to inflict pain towards myself. People have labeled me "a cutter" or "emo" but whatever. It all started when I was 11 and I started middle school as a 6th grader. It was a new school and because im "different" people started making fun of my looks and pretty much anything they could come up with. I first got the idea from a girl named Erin who was in my algebra class. She told me she thought of it as "bleeding her problems out" and the scars it left reminded her she was still alive. At first I thought it was crazy but when the bullying got worse I took a pair of sharpened scissors and made my first cut. It was after that single cut that I had started making more and more cuts, deeper and longer. I eventualy moved on from scissors to kitchen knives and razors. I would sit in the bathtub with the door locked and drag the blade down my wrists, arms, or hips. On my 13th birthday my mother had accidently burned my arm with the lighter trying to light my birthday candles which was the start of me burning myself. I figured it was another way of self-infliction without the bloody mess. I now carry a lighter in the shape of a small pig keychain so no one would expect it to be a lighter. Aron reitterates about how it's getting out of hand but I never listen.


     "I'm not mad about you cutting your finger, I'm mad that you have the damn razor blade in your pocket." He gave me a stern brotherly look before standing up. I knew he was upset but I just shrugged and stood aswell. "I'll take you home, my uncle's not answering his phone so we'll have to walk."


     "But that's going to be like a seven mile walk! Carry me?" I asked in a cute baby voice, giving him puppy dog eyes and batting my mascara-ed eyelashes. He nodded with a grin and lifted me up on his back as he grabbed his jacket and made his way out the door.


      The ride was bumpy and uncomfortable but I didn't want to complain. We made it back to my apartment around 10:40pm to see police men crowding around a family. A young girl was being carried out by a man who was trying to stop the bleeding from her stomach. My stomach flipped and I held onto Aron tighter. My ears were filled with the sounds of screaming and crying as the girl was being asked about what happened.


     "H-he stabbed him! He s-stabbed him so many time and he just dropped d-dead! H-he killed him! I tried to run but he grabbed m-my hair and stabbed me in the stomach! H-he had dark hair and was wearing a doc-" her words faded as she fell to the ground. People rushed over to her, trying to help her up but it was too late. She was dead.


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