The Original Pups

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This story begins with the disappearance of the wolf pup's parents that left all of them in tears and howls for weeks. Shortly after the disappearance of the parents, Shay and Thomas decide to lead the group for the time being since the rest are mentally weak and cannot focus on catching themselves dinner. After a few months, the group has decided that the parents are lost forever and that Thomas is the perfect male role for the group in hunting aspects, while Shay is the best match for him because she can use her voice as a leader should be able to. Together, the two of them are the perfect leaders that have prevented all casualties since the departure of the parents, and caused them to have an access of food that was seemingly unending until the tragedy of the humans struck their home land. 

This tragedy began when humans started developing what was overheard as a "main gas line". Soon after the development of this device, the wolves bean noticing that their food supply had become lower, so they left rations at how much each wolf could catch on their own. This eventually lead to the death of John who had to be buried in a somewhat quick manner due to the oncoming season of winter that seemed to be coming quicker than usual. Another affect of the tragedy of the humans is the global weather change that causes snow to be in a much more earlier point of time along with the endlessness downpour of the miserable frigid water that has crystallized. The first time these pups were introduced to this weather, it was quite obvious that only the ones with proper camouflage would outlast this terrible event. 

Luckily, Zoey, Shay, Felix, and Thomas all had white fur to blend into the background of snow, so the entire pack was not wiped out (didn't become extinct). Sadly, Rose, Jim, and Michael had died during the time of winter due to the unavailable food and predators that could see them. This shows that the population inside of the wolf pup pack has almost been halved due to such a small thing as weather that made them detectable. After this horrible winter, the wolves decided it was best if the remainders of the pack split up all the necessary jobs since there are no longer as many wolves as previously needed to sustain the group. This of course meant that the pack made a few cuts on play time and devoted most of their time to hunting, protection, or drinking water.

After surviving the tragic winter caused by humans, Shay and Thomas decide to have pups in order to continue their species' successful traits. They ended up having a total of 6 pups that thankfully all had white fur, small ears, short tails, white noses, and blue eyes. These are the traits that are best fit for the environment in which they live in, notice how they have changed based on their change in environment. First, it was any wolf that could survive, now only white and aggressive wolves can survive.

The Story of Wolf Pup ShayWhere stories live. Discover now