Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Hey guys! I hope you like the very first chapter of the story! It's a little short but you know... Please comment/vote because I would love the feedback! Anyways above is a pic of Kennedy❤️ Does she look like you imagined? She does for me. But obviously I created her so....

I awaken to the sound of my little sisters tinkling laugh as she hops onto my bed.
"Kenny! Kenny! Kenny! It's time for brekkie! Brekkie! Brekkie!", she yells, jumping on my stomach and laughing. I sigh and plop my head onto my pillow, then I sit
up and pick up my sister.

I plop her on the ground and say "fine Maggie. I'll come down in a minute, just get off of me!"

She laughs and runs out the door. I jump off my bed and pull on jeans and a black t-shirt with the word GLAMOROUS written across the top. This shirt makes me laugh, my life is anything but glamorous. I live with my adoptive parents, two sweet,humble Irish immigrants in the poorest part of New York City. Besides me, my family consists of Maggie, my parent's only biological child, Jake, Kyle, and Bree, also all adopted. Not that I'm not grateful, I love my family, it's just that I have always felt like I was born to be rich. I mean you could have everything you ever wanted! I don't know, maybe this desire just sprouted from the fact that I have absolutely no idea who I am.

Literally, all I remember is one day showing up on the orphanage doorstep at the young age of five. I spent two years in that horrible place and then when I was seven I was adopted.

I head into the kitchen sleepily and plop down at the table. Sunday morning means pancakes, and the kitchen is chaos. Maggie has syrup all over her face, Jake attempts to put a huge pancake in his mouth all at once and Kyle knocks his plate over - twice.
At that moment, Bree comes into the kitchen. She surveyed the scene and sighs.

She is nineteen now and believe me, she is full of sighs. My parents don't have enough money to pay for college, so Bree has to work until she can save enough money to leave home. I'm fourteen, Kyle is eleven, Jake is eight and Maggie is four.

My dad walks in the door and sits down wearily on the couch. I can already tell that job hunting did not go well. My dad lost his job three weeks ago and still he has had no luck. This is also bad news for Bree, who will have to put off college even longer and help the family. I groan and walk out of the room, the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

I grad my sneakers and lace them up. "I'm going on a run!", I call as I dash out the door.


My feet slam against the pavement. I breathe hard, my heart pounding. The laces on my age old Nike's come untied, and ... I land butt first on the sidewalk. A boy and girl walk my way and I half expect them, to smirk at me and continue walking. But, to my surprise, the girl stoops down and offers me her hand. I take it and thank her shyly.

She just laughs and as she and the boy walk away she calls " just double knot them next time okay?", in a thick Spanish accent.

I smile and turn to walk home - that's enough running for today - and I realize I recognize those kids. I don't know where I have seen then but I am sure I have.


When I arrive back home, I find my mom and dad deep in conversation and Maggie attempting to get their attention. I pick Maggie up and throw her over my shoulder. I walk to my room and throw her down on the bed. I tickle her and she laughs her little girl laugh. Then when I stop, her little red face goes dead serious, which almost makes me want to laugh again.

"What's an intervew?", she asks quietly and I smile
" You mean an interview?"
"Yeah well daddy got one," she says.

This surprises me, I didn't know Maggie was actually listening to my parents conversation. This also gives me hope.

"If dad got an interview, maybe he will get a job!"

I jump up and leave Maggie in my room. I run to the living room where my parents sit on the worn couch and talk. My mom looks relived and my dad looks tired.

"Hey sweetie," my mom says, her Irish accent sounding more and more American.
"Hey mom. Maggie said something about Dad getting an interview?"

My dad nods and I immediately breathe a sigh of relief. My dad can do anything he puts his mind to. Heck, here from Ireland with the shirt on his back and five dollars in his pocket.

" The job will be hard," he says "but I think I can do it"

I nod at this, but he is making me worried.

"The job is a janitorial job - at the Cambridge."

The second I hear the last word I gasp.

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