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Flames everywhere. Children screaming, women and mothers crying. Men dying in agony, skin seared by the encroaching flames, leaving an awful stench of charred flesh and decay permeating the air. He walks through the destruction, seeing the despair around him. His heart aches, filling with despondency. How could they do this? Those he once called brother and sister turned on not only him, but those whom they were sworn to guard and guide. How have his people gone so wrong?

He walks to the center of the destruction, bent on finding answers. As he approaches the epicenter of the despairing scene, he notices a figure standing amidst the destruction. The being glows brilliantly, its white robes billowing out behind them from the heated wind of the flames. Slowly the being turns and meets his gaze, its cold eyes laughing with glee as its human countenance twists into a sickening smile. His stomach turns at the sight. How could he have been fooled so long by this beast? How is it that the others cannot see what is before them?

He is intercepted as he comes within striking distance of the creature. The fluttering of graceful, white wings in his way blocks his path. The handsome face of his once-greatest Ally and friend comes into his view. Shadows dance menacingly across the being’s face and wings, his snowy hair darkened with soot. As he looks into the clear-blue eyes of his once trusted ally, he saw the truth of the corruption that has spread.

“How could you condone this? This is not what we are meant to do, not why we were created.” He states in a steady voice, keeping his rage at the injustice intact and hoping for a logical explanation for the needless destruction.

“It is what we were commanded to do. I do not question Our Lord, nor should you, old friend.” Astounded by the words, he opens his mouth to speak once more, hoping to dissuade his brother.

“How can you not question this, dear Michael? How can you not see that this is wrong? What did these humans do to deserve such harsh punishment?” He pleads with his eyes as his friend studies him carefully.

“It is not for me to decide, Lucipher, nor is it for you to judge. He has his reasons, we may not see them now, but they’re always there. Do not question this, lest you join those who fall this day.” Shaking his head at the harsh words, he pushes past Michael hoping to reach the Source of the destruction and cease the khaos.

“How can you do this? Do not they follow your laws and edicts? How can you send so many lambs to slaughter? What reason have you for this heedless murder?” The being looks around and laughs, an eerie sound that sends chills up Lucipher’s spine. How could such a cold and heartless sound come from his Creator? This is not the being he once knew…

“You are foolish to think that I should need a reason. They were careless, disobedient and foolish creatures. I will Create more, and they will do as I bid.” Lucipher’s eyes widen at the words, sending him shakily to the ground. It can’t be. How could He be so heartless about his own children? Is this real… Is this truly the being who I’ve been serving all this time?

“So you see now, do you, what it is that must be done? We must start anew, these beasts can never remain in my Kingdom. They don’t deserve to live, after what they’ve done.” With that the Being turns away, smiling with glee. Luipher tries to follow, only to be stopped by Michael once more.

“No, Brother, those who stand against us have no place in Our realm.” Shocked, Lucipher grabs Michael’s arm, turning him to look in his eyes.

“But how? Why?”

“Because they were not loyal. Those who felt themselves worthy of more than they are. They attempted to thwart His requests, hiding their children and harvests. Foolish little humans, to think that He wouldn’t know.”

“Wha.. What do you mean, hiding their children?”

“Oh, didn’t you hear? He wanted a sacrifice. It’s the least they could do after all He has done for them. One for every score, that’s all He asked. They tried to resist, so He decided that they were not fit to live. It’s fine, there’s always more. They breed like rabbits, these creatures.” Reeling from shock, he drops his hand, allowing Michael to stroll away into the destruction and falling limply to the ground. This is not right he thinks, We were never meant to be this. I must warn them, I can’t let them end like this. He slowly climbs to his feet, new resolve in his heart. Stretching his powerful wings, he takes off into the air, soaring to where his men are camped to tell them the tale of this day, and the possible fate in store for them should they choose to follow him on the path which he must take.

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