Chapter I

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Violet stopped outside the principal door, waiting for any signal that indicated she could get out of that place. That same place that brought her more quantity of bad memories than good ones. The same place where, by the bad way, she had matured roughly.

But of course the runaway time hadn't arrived, not until she finally saw a pair of green converse showing up in her sight

"Finally" It was expected the flirty smile that he gave her as soon as he heard her voice. Violet had learned to read her boyfriend as easy as it is for her to read Peter Pan in Scarlet.

The boy is too predictable, Violet couldn't help but ask herself why the rest of the people couldn't expect the most expected from him. They were always surprised by the amount of problems the boy got into but not Violet,she was kinda more surprised when he didn't.

"Hey I'm sorry, but they stopped me more time because I had bad behavior during Maths and blah blah blah. You know, the same as always" A small chuckle came out of Violet's lips listening the simplicity in which her boy talked about his problems at school. She shook her head in the same way a disappointed father would with his son for not hitting the ball. But, because it wasn't the case, he just gave her another knowing smirk

Soon Violet found herself wrapped around his strong arms. No matter how much time he would ever make her wait, he would always make her feel better with those arms of his and that pair of full lips.

Their lips locked and air was gone from her lungs. It was a risky thing, letting him dominate her that way; control her senses. But after three years, she still hadn't found a way to stop herself.

When they pulled away he was already holding up the passenger door for her. So,as usual she got inside and wait for him to take them far from the jail parents like to call school.

They were now sitting in front of each other in one of those fancy restaurants he loved and she hated. She had tried a few times to tell him not to take her there, that a simple soup and some chicken would be okay. But Tyson, being the -I'm rich I can go wherever I want- boy he was, didn't take her option into account. Of course Violet liked to go to fancy places every now and then but, everyday? That was just exhausting. The environment was exhausting

"So I told Daniel to collect people and depending on that, we'll see in which house we do it" Violet nodded. Her mind wasn't really interested on whatever party was coming next weekend however he always made her focus. There was a way in which he talked about simple things that always had Violet hooked up into anything he said. Like in that moment, she doesn't care about the party, she doesn't even like parties that much. But because it's him who is excited about it, he already had her thinking on all the possible fun they would have together that day. Being the party king's queen,Violet had a lot of good memories from lots of good parties they have attended to. It doesn't matter if Violet isn't into parties,she still enjoys them because he's with her and there isn't something better she could ask for

"Maybe you should just do it at yours. I can help you cleaning, you know" She shuddered while taking another sip of her drink. But he shook his head leaning back into his chair.

"I'm not letting you clean all the mess they will make. I mean, if you want we can make it at mine but you're not cleaning a thing" Of course she expected that. He was always too caring about her, he didn't let her do anything that she doesn't have to.

And it's not like Violet didn't like the way he cared of her, but sometimes it made her feel anxious. Not helping with dishes when they eat at his house, not cleaning when they drop the water because she accidentally moved her leg while in a make out session, not making the bed when they sleep together. It was awful.

Once she sneaked into the kitchen to clean the table and he found out. He didn't talk to her for the whole day. That's when she learned she really couldn't do anything. It was serious,the boy didn't like the idea of Violet doing chores at all

One hour had pass and Violet fond herself just waiting for that time. That same time at four o'clock that make her boyfriend stand up from the table and get the call into the bathroom. He always says it's a work thing and other times he says it's his dad. It would have been normal for Violet, if it hadn't been happening for the whole last year, at the same hour

And there it was. His phone started ringing and with what could be considered a gentle move, he walked away.

Tyson was a great guy, such a gentleman. Or at least he was before. How's a different story,though. He's always on the phone and half of the times, he blows their dates for his soccer matches. It would be amazing if in Tyson's life, Violet would be the most important but she perfectly knew that no matter how much he loved her, a soccer ball would always be before her. And lately,also his phone would be before her.

Sometimes Violet found herself thinking about all the things most of couples do together so their relationship would last. Like going to the movies every now and then,or having picnic afternoons,even just spending the night talking watching the stars. But that's not Tyson,he doesn't do that kind of stuff. He doesn't like the movies,he thinks it's stupid to pay for a movie you can watch a week later in your house,with that ugly audio and that ugly image but still free. He doesn't like picnics,because he's just not into sandwiches or any kind of junk food,that not good for your health,that not the appropriate food for the soccer's team captain. Tyson doesn't like to spend the night outside at the yard because he's afraid he could fall asleep and wake up with lots of mosquito bites all over his face.

That's not Tyson and he'll never be that kind of guy. But he was her boyfriend and she loved him. With all his flaws, he was the most important thing in her life. And she couldn't have asked for something else . . . could she?

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