Alone, but not lonely.

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When the boys were leaving the dorm with their suitcases packed to see their families, Namjoon and Jin said they would both stay to clean and tidy up for when they return. Hoseok looked at Namjoon and smiled, he knew him and Jin had a 'thing' going on but he wasn't sure when he'd make a move.
Namjoon and Jin smiled at the door as the boys got in their cars and 1 by 1 drove off. Jin waved to the cars with one hand, he went to lift his other but he didn't realise Namjoon had a hold of it.
"I'm- I'm sorry." Namjoon gently put Jin's hand back down to his hip. Jin turned to look at Namjoon, he lowered his head to Jin. As soon as Jin turned his head the opposite way he let out a side smile as he continued to wave to the cars as soon as the last one left.

Namjoon held the door open for him when he was ready to go back inside. Jin thanked him and walked on in and Namjoon wasn't far behind. Jin was a bit taller than Namjoon so he couldn't see anything in front, the manager quickly walked past to take his leave to his short holiday trip. He stopped Jin and Namjoon to say goodbye and asked if they're gonna be alone together, they both nodded and he smirked at them. 

"Be safe you two. Take care and please eat well, I will call you both very soon." Sejin let himself out of the door and closed it carefully behind him as it shut, Jin and Namjoon continued to walk back to the rooms. They didn't share one which made it a bit difficult for Namjoon to talk to Jin at night, he wanted to mention about recording a new cover song together but didn't know when the right time was. As Jin got back to his room he shared with Jungkook, the youngest, Namjoon watched as he opened his door. He wanted to be invited in but didn't want to invite himself. Jin didn't catch what he was trying to say so he walked in without him. Namjoon sighed and opened his door slowly, he looked back to see if Jin was still there, he wasn't. Namjoon walked into his room but left the door slightly open so he could see if Jin was walking towards it.

Later on, Jin came out of his room and walked to Namjoon's, he didn't see him coming because he had his head down jotting down song ideas he could cover with Jin. He knocked on the door even though it was open, he waited for Namjoon to realise that he was there to say come in.
"Oh! Jin hyung~!" Namjoon realised at last, he pushed his notepad aside on the coffee table and got up from the sofa to welcome him inside.

"Did you clean while you had time alone? It looks like it." Jin asked him, Namjoon didn't know what to say, he spent that time looking for songs that would fit them both together.

"No ... Well a little I cleared things off the floor that Yoongi had left while packing but that's about it." He replied to him, looking a little disappointed he didn't clean more.

"It's okay, don't look disappointed. I didn't clean either." Jin said. Namjoon was shocked, Jin enjoys cleaning when he's left alone. What was he doing? His facial expression was puzzled. Jin stared into his eyes and took a step closer to him. Namjoon was lost, he didn't get the kind of signal Jin was sending. He went along with it anyway ... Whatever happens will happen.
Jin leaned in for Namjoon's lips, his hands were shaking as he bit his lips and swallowed. Jin was an inch away from them as he avoided them completely and brought his mouth up to his ear. 

"You thought? I'm not easy." Jin teased him. Namjoon wanted to make first moves but feared the rejection. As Jin walked further into Namjoon's room he got chills. 

"Why's it so cold in here?" Jin asked, Namjoon looked around the room. 

"The heating ... must have gone in the building." Namjoon didn't know what to do, but the heat was dropping fast. He looked over at Jin who was walking to the sofa, he sat down. While Namjoon admired his beautiful sitting posture Jin looked at his notepad. Before he could even say to put it down, Jin read the title page.

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