With You ♡

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A few hours had passed and they were both sleeping, still naked under the covers. Namjoon woke up first, still in Jins' arms, he looked around for his phone to check the time but he forgot he left it in the main room. He looked over to Jins' side and noticed he kept his phone on the desk, he didn't want to disturb him but he needed to check the time. Namjoon tried to move swiftly and quietly, leaning over Jin and reaching for the phone. Jin opened his eyes to find Namjoon on top of him, he pulled his arms out of the covers slowly so Namjoon wouldn't notice, Jin grabbed onto Namjoon, giving him a shock and cuddled him back into the covers.

"No, no no, I need to get your phone." Namjoon said, Jin pulled him in tighter.

"For what?" Jin asked.

"I ... need to check the time" Namjoon tried to get free from Jins' arms to reach for the phone again. But Jin beat him to it.

"It's 5:48 in the afternoon." Jin said as he put the phone back. He got back into the covers and was pulled into a back hug. Namjoon hugged Jins' back, stroking his blonde hair as he got comfy again.

They were unaware a maid had been sent round to clean their dorm rooms. The manager called her so that Namjoon and Jin could relax instead of doing more work. The maid opened the front door of Namjoon's room, they didn't hear. As she walked in she put down her cleaning appliances and noticed the bedroom door was open, so she assumed nobody was in there ... The boys didn't hear anything, they were too busy laying next to each other enjoying being alone.

The maid walked straight into the room, it took her a few moments to realize there was someone in the bed ... or rather 2 someones. She stood there, blinking, she noticed it was Namjoon but she peered her head round more to see blonde hair.

"Oh ... I'm sorry!" As soon as she saw Jin's face, she ran out the room shutting the door behind her.

"That was weird. There was a maid due today?" Jin asked him.

"Is that what you're focusing on? If the maid was supposed to come today. What about ... she saw us ... together ... naked ... in bed." Namjoon said, struggling to get out of the hug that Jin has him in.

"Joon-ah..." Jin laughed at him and pulled him in closer, "it's okay." he kissed him on the lips and Namjoon soon forgot she ever walked in.

They heard Namjoon's dorm door shut, so the two assumed she had left to come back later. Jin cuddled Namjoon's warm, soft body as Namjoon slowly sank into the bed covers in embarrassment.

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