Unexpecting news

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Plague's POV

I started to stir as my head was pounding heavily as I then remembered that I was captured by Joe. I shot up as my headache worsened to see that I was in a cabin room  that was dark and comfortable and homey. I moved slowly off the comfy black sheeted bed. My feet touched the cold wooden floor making a chill run up my spine. Was I still in that house of Joe's if I am then where the hell is he? i could see a little bit through my right eye now but not that much. I rubbed my head trying to get rid of the head ache I had. I then heard Aida's voice from outside the bedroom door, it was a bit far off yet I could still hear every word he was saying.

"You're making a huge mistake, she will definitely take it the wrong way!"

Aida seemed very pissed as I frowned, did Aida save me from Joe, was Joe still alive? I heard the front door shut all too soon I heard someone punched the wall. I slowly opened the door and walked silently down the hall trying to figure out where I was. Was Zya here, did he even care that I was ok and up and about? I turned left seeing a beautiful door with a huge window in the middle with a gorgeous design in it. I then saw Zya's car drive away making me frown heavily, why was he leaving? I walked up to a wall length window by the door and watched as Zya speed off down the dirt road. Where was he going, is he ok, why didn't he check if i was ok before he left? My heart shattered as a image of Sanju popped into my mind. Then he did finally choose someone over me... or was I overreacting again? 

I then heard my brothers voice say in complete shock, "Plague, what are you doing up?"

I looked at Aida as his eyes widen with even more shock. I frowned why was he looking at me like that? I decided to ignore that and asked

"Where is Zya going... Will he come back soon?"

Aida looked away with hurt in his eyes as my heart wrenched up. 

Aida then said, "Now isn't the time for questions Plague, Kashi would like to examine you since you are up and about now. We want to know if you are ok."

My heart swelled up, Aida knew something obviously about Zya but why wouldn't he tell ,e already, I'm pretty sure I could cope with it, maybe Zya has important business that might take a few days. Yeah, that had to be it, Aida just doesn't want to tell me so he wouldn't hurt my feelings. 

I half smiled and said, "Alright, you know what's best brother."

Aida smiled sincerely as he gave me a hug. I pushed him away and said

"Even though I may be weak at the time doesn't mean I want to be all mushy and gushy got it?"

Aida nodded his head as he led me to a room where a handsome looking guy stood waiting, looking out the window. Kashi was a very polite man as he took some of my blood and checked my eye and everything else where I would allow him to check, I had to pee in a damn bottle though cause it was recommended and Aida wouldn't let me get out of it. Kashi wrote down some notes and says to me and Aida

"Well, I'm just waiting for the other results, so you guys could go and talk for a while. I will come out when i gather all the information."

Kashi then got interested in something as we walked out of the room and into the living room. Aida made me sit down and turned on the tv for me since I didn't know how. My father walked in obviously not happy one bit as he looked at everyone in the room. My father then grumbled out hatefully.

"I should have known he would do this..."

What the hell was he talking about, who was he talking about, was it Zya? Aida growls at father and says trying to cover something up

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