Unusual Beginnings of a Friendship

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August 27, 2013


Ms. Regine B. Acol

CEO and Chairman

Smiley1D Publishing

My pleasant greetings! Written in this document is the manuscript and draft for my one shot, "Unusual Beginnings of a Friendship." I fully understand that it is still not in its best form. Thus, an editor may be needed. Hopefully it is good enough to be published by your company. I thank you in advance for your kind consideration. I am patiently waiting for your reply.

P.S. The pending and initial cover is also included for your likeness.

Respectfully Yours,

Rogene B. McCartney-Urdangarin-Beckham

Owner and Head Pediatrician

_rcmlb_ and thatmoonyeyedgirl Hospital and Medical Center

Unusual Beginnings of a Friendship

A recount of events in the early part of Regine and Rogene's unusual and weird friendship.

~Rogene's POV~

Standing inside the boisterous room, I observed my surroundings and felt indifferent. Honestly, if I were to tell you, MTG doesn't really have an appeal on me. Yes, I liked even loved Math. But 12 Saturdays, 4 hours each, dedicated to solving and learning Algebra, Trigonometry, Simultaneous Equations, and Geometry?! Rubbish, I tell you! And I bet most of the people here feel the same. Either they're doing it because they're forced or for the grades.

I sat down beside Carl and reserved a seat for Joan, Kasey and Danielle aka my usual routine. I chatted with smileysickness and noticed Melchor playing with his PSP beside his old schoolmates. Kathy was the first person from IHMA I was acquainted to, or was it Edmund?! Honestly, I can't remember. Blame Starbucks. HA HA HA.

With those two was a white girl with black long hair that I didn't know (what a description, I know *cue evil laugh*). She was extremely pretty and I took her for the shy and timid type, or so I thought. I also thought that Edmund secretly liked her! (but he freaking denied it, that liar)

Being the friendly person that I am (HAHA), I asked Kathy to introduce us. I laughed when I was informed that her name was Regine! I assumed that it would be just a "Hey! I know you!" kind of relationship, but boooooy was it far from that. We talked about nothing and everything, just a normal, civil conversation.

Back then, I was already obsessed with this super-ultra-mega-cool website called Wattpad. So, to continue the conversation, I asked her if she knew Wattpad. Omg. I met another one of Wattpad's addicts! (MUWAHAHA) We conversed about our fave books, authors and such. This was happening while there was a teacher talking in front, mind you! We kept talking and grew to be comfortable around each other. I pity the trees because we used so much paper in our own chatbox.

We jumped from topic to topic, from AJ to 1D to school and such. It was a pretty interesting conversation, in short. I opened another paper she threw me and read what was written inside. She asked me if I have read "That Boy on YouTube" which was a 1D-Tommo fanfic. I replied with a no, and told her I'd check it out. Tbh, I already had it in my library by that time but I was still finishing another book.

I asked her if we could switch wattpad usernames and she agreed. She also told me that I was to tell no one her username because it was a secret. From then on, during every MTG training, we would chat and pass papers endlessly.

Well, I think she only attended MTG 2 other times after that. Cheat xD.

We got closer through WeChat and Wattpad and had countless funny and weird experiences. Don't even get me started.

There's the wattpad guy we talked about in MTG. (Yes, the disappointment, as you say.)

Daniel the best guy friend.

Spikey haired jerk ( spare me )

Virtual perfect British guy on Omegle.

And now there's 'matalinong bata' J

Reg, I know you're reading this. Hehe. Obviously it was meant for you -.-

Although our friendship is very smooth right now, I know that we'll encounter many problems as we grow closer. So, in advance, forgive me for my wrongdoings and know that I won't do anything to intentionally hurt you. I hope that we can talk more with each other, not just about our heart stories but about everything and nothing.

I'm always here for you and nothing can change that. Okie? J Spread your wings, dear friend. We're still so young and I can just imagine the crazy things we would do if we really got to spend time with each other.

Right now, high school's taking its toll on us as freshmen. I know we share the same high school dreams, be on the honors list and find the perfect guy, am I right? xD

Chill girl and breathe. We'll have our own Wattpad-worthy love story someday, I mean it.

Anyways, here's your RetLet. Well, it's a unique one isn't it? MUWAHAHA. Enjoy your retreat and bring food in the dorms even if they say otherwise! *wink*wink*


LOL (lots of love),

Roge J

P.S. Don't worry, our identities are safe J As you can see, no surnames were provided. Heehee.

P.P.S. Thank you for your retlet, I haven't properly said thank you, so thank you. J HAHA. Tyrone gave it to me after the retreat but the effect is still the same. J

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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