March 23- My Debut

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Falulu's POV

I woke up earlier than my normal waking hours. I don't understand why I'm acting like this, but, I had this eagerness to wake up, and also, I want time to speed up to the time of my live.

"Ohayo Unicorn." I greeted.

"Falulu! It's still early! It's 3:00 in the morning!" Unicorn shooed me away.

"Demo, Unicorn, today's the day Falulu debut." I protested.

"But, your live is still on 4:00 p.m.!" She exclaimed. "Take a rest because you need energy. You might not understand this now, but in the future, I know you'll understand."

I went to my bed and tried to sleep, but, I can't. So, I went outside and took a stroll around PriPara. There weren't that many idols here.

"Yes! I'm saved!"

Startled about the voice, I saw a girl with a hood and... Pajamas on..??

I went to the girl, but as soon as she noticed me, she ran away.

"Wait!" I chased her.

"No!" She hesitated. "I know you've been sent by little brother to follow me!" She sounded familiar...

I chased her until she was trapped in a corner.

"I *huff* told *huff* wait!" I said taking her hood to see her face. As soon as I took her hood, I gasped.

??? POV

(Some minutes earlier...)

Shoot! Little brother noticed me! I took my hood and hurriedly went out the house. I don't have the time to change clothes! He's hot on my heels!

I used the window to get out. Brother might be guarding the door. I jumped out and because I didn't took gymnastic lesson, I landed badly.

"Ittai!" I rubbed my back. Ugh! I made noise! Surely, he'll follow me! I walk at a normal pace. Everything is so quiet, but something isn't right.

It didn't took me a lot of time to notice Little brother following me from the bushes. I admit, he's good in stalking-er- I mean following, but not as good as my senses!

"I know someone's following me. Get out of where you're hiding!" I used a deep voice, hoping it'll confuse him.

"I know it's you, Maika-neesan." (It's Maika's POV) A familiar figure stood in the darkness.

"I'm not Maika." I lied. Crap! I should have said 'Who is she?' or 'I'm not YOUR Maika-neesan.'! Hope he'll take the bait..?? Nope, he's intelligent. He'll notice EVERYTHING!!!

"Bad lie, nee-san." He commented.

I can't do anything right now, right? I need to go to PriPara! He's a fast runner, but I think I can run fast enough to go to PriPara!

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