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"You can stay here if you want."

I almost choke my food out after hearing that but I keep my expression down. I almost, almost want to say 'yes' but I'm not sure if he will see me in a.. different way right after this. And I'm not one hundred percent believe in him yet.

"Uhm.. I'm better not, Chanyeol. I still need something to do."I rub the back of my neck, trying to make an excuse.

I can see his face getting down all of sudden, and I feel a tiny guilt. "Oh."was all he said. "Okay, let me drive you home, then."he say with a tiny, tiny smile.

I want to refuse his offer but I don't want to make him sad anymore so I just nod my head in agreement.
"So.."I step out from his car after bring my things. "Thankyou so much, Chanyeol. I think I will get starving if you didn't take me to your apartment. "I smile shyly, rubbing the back of my neck.

He just smile, "It's nothing, Doc. You can call me whenever you need me."

I just nod my head before waving my hand and open the gate for my self. Of course with a silly smile on my stupid face.

Entering my house, I put my briefcase on the sofa and then insert my doctor's coat and clothes into the washing machine. I still have another coats, though. I just wait it to finish and hang it on the clothes hanger in front of my house. I drag it into the house, though. Who know, if it will rain or not.

After that, I lay on my bed. When I said to Chanyeol that I still need something to do, it's actually just an excuse. I don't know why I even make an excuse, but I just feel wrong if I accept his offer. It just.. he's my patient and I'm his doctor. So doctor and patient shouldn't sleep in one roof so.. ARGGHH you know what I mean, right?

I just run my hand into my hair before ruffle it frustratingly.

Why it feel so weird towards him?
The next day, I find my self straighten my sit and comb my hair with my hand when I heard a door being knocked. It's already 8 and Chanyeol still not come. I think he's late or something. Or.. maybe it's him who knock the door.

"Come in."I say with a monotone voice.

When the door opened, I didn't expect that it is Kyungsoo.

"Kyungie! I miss you so much!"I stand up and hug him tight.

He smile to me, "Dramatic doctor."before chuckling.

I just joining him in chuckle before ask him, "Why are you here, by the way?"I ask him as he sit down in front of me.

And guess what's happening next? His cheeks turn red and his head hanging low.

"I-I.. Want to tell you that I have a crush. I KNOW IT'S WEIRD TO TELL YOU THIS ALL OF SUDDEN BUT I THINK I NEED SOMEONE TO SHARE."he freak out before fanning his face with his hand.

Seriously, satansoo is in love? The crush seriously having a magic, then.

"Okay, so.. who is her? Or maybe.. him?"I ask him with unsure tone.

He nod his head slowly, "I-It's.. him, Baekhyun. And.. I think he is a friend of the Chanyeol boy."

I quickly rise my eyebrow after hearing Chanyeol's name from the others mouth. It just.. weird.

"Oh? So he is a student of Seoul University?"

"I think so.."he say unsurely.

"And.. what are you going to tell me again?"I ask him again, still not getting the point of what is he going to tell me next.

"I.. He is my helper now but I'm too shy to even ask his phone's number."he rub the back of his neck.

Now I realize what's his point. I quickly face palmed and stare at him boringly, "You want me to ask his number to Chanyeol?"

His eyes turn into sparks when I ask that, "Yes! Fucking yup! You know me so well, eh?"he clap his hand in the most happy way.

I roll my eyes. Satansoo is Satansoo.

"You come to me just when you need me."I roll my eyes again in annoyance.

"Yup~ That's true, Baekbaek. Okay so his name is.. Kim Jong In. Just ask Chanyeol his number and tell me soon, okay!"he wave his hand to me when he about to open the door. And then he left.

I shake my head. He's not even saying thanks to me.

Then I hear the door being opened again and Kyungsoo's face pop out, "Thanks."he say with a grin.

I just chuckle when he close the door.

I sigh before lean back to my chair again. Kim Jeon In? Kim Jung In? Kim Jung Kook? Kim.. Ah fuck that Kim. I don't even remember his name anymore. But.. what's about him that make Satansoo fall in love with him? I'm on my deep thoughts about Kim Jung Jung and Do Kyung Kyung being together when-

The next thing happen is, Chanyeol entering the room, panting hardly, and sweat could be seen from his forehead and neck. And oh, fuck. He's so damn hot. I gulp when he close the door and smile to me. The thought about Kim Jungjung suddenly gone automatically.

"S-Sorry Doc, my car is broken and I come here by running."

I look away as he ruffle his hair in the most hot way. WAIT WHAT. What's happening to me?! I shouldn't think this way towards him!

"Y-Yeah, it's okay."shit shit shit.

"Can I ask for tissues, Doc?"he ask me when he see a box of tissue on my table.

Fuck, Byunbaek. You're not even offering him?

"S-Sure. J-Just take it as much as you need."

He just mumble a small 'thankyou' before put his bagpack on the sofa and I watch him as he clean his sweat with the tissue. This is so illegal, like seriously. This is too hot and sexy and- STOP.

I don't know why but I can't let my eyes off of him. I think it's because he's too sweaty and all. It just.. different from the other days. Yeah, maybe just that.

And suddenly he look up to me, with a grin. With a fucking grin. A fucking teasing grin. The fuck?!

I just hang my head low as he clear his throat.

"What are you looking at, Doc?"he ask me, I'm sure there's a smirk behind that question. Oh this is the part when I hate him.

"Nothing."there's no stutter but my voice is shaky. Fuck this shit.

"I'm sure you looking at something?"he say while biting his lower lip, maybe trying to hold his smile. Fuck, this is so illegal.

"I was just checking your works."I make an excuse and hoping that he will believe me but I guess his not. Because now he is stand up from his sit and walk towards me. He walk towards my table. I gulp.

I feel my heart beating faster than it should be when he lean against my table and bring his face closer to mine.

I just freeze in my place when he whisper, "You said that I'm hot?"before leaning nearer and closing our gap with slamming his lips against mine.
A/N : DAFUQQQQ Chan and Baek's first kiss!>//<

I'm sorry about Kim Jungjung and Do KyungkyungXD the name just come out from my mind automatically.

I hope this story is not boring and;

•THANKS for who read this story!~ *throw you a bucket of daisy*
•THANKS for who voting around!~ *throw you a plate of cookies*
•THANKS for who commenting around!~ *throw you flying kisses*
•THANKS FOR EVERYONE WHO SUPPORT THIS STORY!~ *throw daisy, cookies, my fav shoes, and exo's merchandise to you*
Woops, okay. I should stop here-_-I'm being happy today so I just throwing unnecessary things lol.

Keep reading, kay?xD
Love ya♥

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