Chapter 2

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Treat stood motionless with a bewildered expression staring at Rin. Rin gave a small fake giggle like she was uncomfortable. She ran a hand through her short hair.

"Yeah, that's me!"

Treat only blinked. How could Rin be here? In her locker room no less? The teen really hoped she wasnt having hallucinations; She didn't want to have to take that medication. It'd just be lowering her own self confidence.

"You might want to hurry and get ready before the coaches yell at you," Rin advised. Treat snapped on out of her daze. She pulled on the rest of her gym uniform adverting her gaze. She kept giving Rin shifty glances to make sure she wouldn't just dissappear.

"R-Right," She said looking serious. Seriously embarrassed, that is. As she climbed over the bench in the locker room she was pulled into a hug by Rin. She stiffened and looked at the blonde in bewilderment.

"Wah~, Its been so long hasn't it?" Rin said hugging her tight, seeming so 'emotional'. "We were only ten~~."

"Uhm, Yeah. Long time,"Treat said squished. She was feeling awkward around her childhood friend that she really didn't even know all that well. "Actually, that's not too long..." She said more to herself.

Rin finally released her and happily grabbed her hand she skipped to the gym with Treat dragging behind her as she tried to keep up her pace with the blonde. 'Just when i thought i couldn't get any more social inadpt,' She thought to herself.

"So, what brings you back here?" Treat asked, trying to make a conversation to fill the heavy silence that rested on her ears.

"Dad's job. He got moved over here again," Rin said not really sounding interested. "I'm just glad that i'm back here with my friend!"

She squeazed Treats hand and gave her innocent smile, the same one that the other girl actually remembered. The two girls walked inside the gym, unfortanuately late.

"What took you girls so long! Do you want to run?" The coach yelled at them.

"Uhm, I-We-" Treat stuttered. She shrunk in. The coach had always intimidated her for various reasons. She looked like she could be a buff female barbarian ripping meat of drumsticks violently. Surely everyone in the gym had that image...right?

"I'm actually new here Coach. I took much of Akutsuki's time to help me understand procedures here," Rin lied flawlessly. Treat just stared, secretly wondering if the coach would buy it. Instanly the coach's expression softened.

"Oh thats quite alright Miss-"

"Rin Kagamine."

"It will be a pleasure to have you here," The strict coach said uncharacteristicly smiling.

She bought it, Treat thought amazed. She blinked twice. What was that? The coach never smiled; Probably because the class wasn't exactly filled with 'buff female barbarians' like she probably wished. Out of the corner of her good eye, she saw Akuma waving to get her attention as the coach and Rin chatted a little more. Akuma was making guesteres that mostly translated to "What the fuck is going on?"

"I have no idea," Treat signaled back. She turned back to coach and Rin, who wer talking where she would sit.

The rest of gym class Treat couldn't focus. She was distraut and confused by Rin's arrival. What effect would this have on her friends, she wondered. What would Rin think of Renji and Ritsu? More importantly, how would she even treat them? Like it had been established, Treat never really connected with Rin as much as she did Len. In the midst of all her thinking, she didn't even see the basket ball coming towards her. The dusty orange ball made a straight on collision with her head and Treat was immeadiately knocked back.

"Oops, Sorry Akutsuki," Lola, an upper level classman, said in a mocking tone. Treat groaned as she got up from the ground and held her face. It was her first period, and already she had gotten smacked in the head with a basket ball. Well, its not like everyone in Language Arts took out a basket ball and hurled it at her head, she ammended in her mind. She could tell Akuma was probably trying to get up front, but since she was tinier than most the taller girls blocked her way.

"Thanks, Lola," Treat said bitterly. "I was wondering what could make this day complete. A basket ball to the face, thats what it was."

"Watch yourself, handicap," Lola said, her sweet tone lowering into fury.

"No. You watch yourself!" 

Treat looked over blerily with her good eye. Rin, in her baggy new uniform, had her hands on her hips and a glare on the sophmore. She walked straight up and fearless to Lola, looking up at her with no hint of discouragment from Lola's status.

"Why are you picking on her? She may not have two good eyes, but she is just as good and probably even better than you. Not to mention more beauty and class," Rin said. "I've never seen anyone so beastly."

"Why you--," Lola said through clenched teeth preparing to advance on Rin. But the blonde only stood taller.

"Lola," Prima, one of Lola's friends, interjected and she grabbed her arm. "Shes not worth it. Walk away."

Lola stood down and gave a hearty glare to the newcomer. She turned and went back to the crowd of girls in the gym as the coach reentered the room.

"What are you pansies standing around for? Get back to the game!" She yelled. "Some one pick up the ball and play!"

"No thanks! Akutsuki touched that one!" One girl called out and some of the other girls laughed.

As Rin and Akuma (who had finally made it through the crowd) helped Treat up, she sighed as she held her head. "Something told me not to get up this morning," She muttered.


After all of school and Rin awkwardly sitting with Treat and her friends, it was time to go back home. The place where she didn't get hit with basket balls. She trudged up the bus stairs and headed to her usual place in the back with Renji, Ritsu, Takao, Makoto, and her brother Trick. As she camed up to her seat, she saw Renji and Takao smiling deviously at her brother as he was as red as a tomato. She smirked and rolled her eye.

"Alright, why are you two torturing my brother?" She asked as she slung herself into a seat with Makoto.

"Oh~, Treat~. Guess what~,"  Takao said drawing out the words and he poked Trick in his face, who tried to swat the hand away.

"Little Trick has a crush~~," Renji sang out flourishing his hair. Ritsu rolled his eyes at the other redhead.

"St-stop it guys!" Trick stuttered. "Its not funny!"

Treat chuckled to herself; They had gotten him so flustered now. So much that he had stuttered. Trick had always stuttered as a child, and was mocked for it, so he had alays tried really hard not to stutter. He had gotten well in training himself not to do it, that he spoke more fluent and consistantly than other people in the school. The only way he converted back to stuttering was if he was really flustered or nervous.

"Alright, guys," Treat said as she smiled at them. "No more teasing my brother. Thats my job, okay?"

Renji huffed and Takao pouted as well. "Okay, Mother," They said in unison as they settled back into their seats. Trick blew some of his black hair of his eyes and slumped in his seat. Treat leaned over and put a hand on his thigh. He looked over at his sister, and gave a sound of displeasure at the look in her eyes. The look that said: "You're telling me later."

But Treat didn't say anything about it verbally. Instead she asked a question to him. "Can i talk to you about something?" She asked.

"When we get home," He softly agreed and looked back at the beaten-up bus seat in front of him.

"When we get home. Of course," Treat agreed and leaned back and began to read Makoto's book over his shoulder. She didn't understand a bit of it, but she couldn't anyway. She just couldn't wait to have her brother's advice when they got home.

A/N: Sorry. I've been so lazy and short on ideas for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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