finding ourselves chapter 13

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______carl pov______
It's been a week since I made up with (y/n); Glenn and Maggie weren't too happy that we got back together. Even though I apologized I still feel awful about what I did, I wasn't in control of myself, I couldn't see anything except red. I'm glad she forgave me because I love her and I need her. So now we're laying in bed, I just woke up, she was still sleeping soundly, she always looks like an angel. I brush some of her hair back as she starts to stir, her (e/c) eyes flutter open as she looks at me.

"good morning love" I whisper.

"good morning dear" she replied with a smile as I kiss her forehead. She snuggled up to me. "can we stay like this forever?" She asked her voice muffled by my shirt.

"I wish but sadly no we have to eat, work......and survive." She groaned at my words, I chuckled.

"well if we've got to eat then let's go" she said sliding out of the bed, pulling me with her.

"Okay okay just slow down a bit" we walked out of the cell holding hands, Connor was glaring at us. We went into the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal to share as we were running low on food but hopefully the farm Hershal and dad are wanting to make will work out.

"Hey guys" Kriztae said as she walked in.

"hi" (y/n) replied Kriztae came over and whispered something in her ear then ran out of the room.

"What was that about?" I asked her she just stared at the door.

"I'm not sure" she mumbled after a moment.

"Babe" no response "hey babe?" I shook her a bit she looked at me "you okay?" I asked her worriedly.

"y-yeah I'm good, sorry" she sighed.

"Don't be" I kissed her forehead. "Let's go do something productive okay?" I said, she smiled.


-------time skip (y/n) pov______
We ended up just reading comics and cuddling all day not very productive but it was nice. Now it's about one in the morning, I stayed up because Kriztae wanted to meet me for some reason. I'm not sure why but she was acting strange, like she was doing it because she was threatened. I slid out of bed carefully as to not wake up carl. I threw on my boots and jacket and made my way to the spot where she told us to meet.

She wasn't there, I was about to leave when.

"Turn around slowly (y/n)." it was Connor, he had a gun pointed at me. "we're going for a walk." he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the woods. We had walked quite far when he pushed or more like threw me against a tree, still pointing the gun at me. "You know it was really stupid of you to get back with Carl now you're going to pay." he lowered his gun a bit and I saw something moving behind him.


"NO SHUT UP! I'm going to kill you, slowly and then take you back to the prison to feast on your beloved carl." he had a dark smile but before he could move whatever was behind him bit him right in the neck. It was a walker not just one but a bunch, I pushed my way up and took off running until I tripped and one fell on top of me.


_______Carl pov a few minutes before____
I rolled over and realized (y/n) wasn't in bed, I sat up quickly, it was still warm she had just left.

"Dad! Maggie!" I shouted, moments later they came into the room.

"what's wrong Carl?!?" Dad asked in an alarmed tone.

"where's (y/n)?" Maggie followed, her voice cracking due to panic.

"I don't know, I woke up and she was gone!" They looked at each other and nodded.

"come on" Dad said running to his cell to get his gun. We ran outside and along the tree line I saw two figures heading into the woods one of them was being dragged. I ran towards them until I heard a male scream I followed the sound then I saw walkers snacking on someone. It was Connor I snuck around them quietly.

"CARL!!!" (Y/n) screamed, I ran towards her. She was struggling with a walker, trying to keep it from biting her. I shot it in the head, blood going all over (y/n), I went over and pulled it off of her.

"are you okay?!?" I asked hugging her.

"yeah" she breathed, she was shaking really bad.

"You're okay now, I'm here." she nodded and we walked back to the prison.

--------time skip (y/n) pov_______
It's been a month since the night in the woods. I'm in the bathroom, I pull up my shirt, just over my scar to see a new bite mark scar. I can't believe that I, well for one that I'm alive and two that nobody has found out, I'm going to tell Rick and Hershal today. I pull my shirt back down and walked out I saw Rick talking to carol.

"hey can I talk to you and Hershal for a moment?" I asked him he nodded and we walked to the infirmary where Hershal was.

"what's wrong (y/n)?" Rick asked curiously.

"so you know a month ago how Connor took me into the woods?" They nodded "well the walker that Carl killed bit me." I gulped as they looked at me.

"show us" Rick said, I pulled up my shirt to show them the newly formed scar. Hershal came up and looked at it.

"well its been a month I don't think she'll turn, we just have to figure out how to tell everyone she got bit by a walker and is im-" before Hershal could finish the door swung open to reveal Carl.

"why didn't you tell me you got bit?" I couldn't figure out what to say so I just looked at my feet after a moment he sighed. "fine don't tell me it's not like I'm your boyfriend or anything...not anymore" I looked up as he turned to leave.

"Carl wait!" I ran over and grabbed his wrist. He tried to struggle free but I wouldn't let go I turned him around "I didn't tell you because......because I didn't want you to have to kill me." he looked at me.

"so you were willing to risk nibbling my face off and killing me to save me emotionally?" He spat coldly.

"no Carl, I stayed up two nights after it happened to make sure I didn't have a fever, to make sure I didn't turn because if I did get a fever I was going to go into the woods and end it so I wouldn't kill anyone! I just" I let out a sob tears streaming down my face. "I just wanted to protect you, that's why I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you can leave me if you want" I fell to my knees. "you can kick me out of the prison or kill me even if you don't want to see me anymore, I'm sorry, I should have told you." when I finish there was silence other than some whispers from people who heard and my sobs. It lasted a few minutes before Carl came and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I over reacted, I love you, I wouldn't do any of those things okay?" I nodded into his shoulder, after a few minutes we pulled away, he kissed my forehead. "I love you my walker girl" his said to which I giggled

"I love you too my sheriff" he smiled at me. This was the moment we found who we were, the moment when it was just the walker girl and the sheriff...

A/n: yay! Wait um yeah so yeah.......I wanted (y/n) to get bit but I didn't want you to lose a limb I kinda hate those fics so this was the alternative! So yay (y/n) lived! Congrats! So yeah hope you enjoyed the chapter so buh-bye for now!

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