Night of Awesomeness

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Chapter 1: christmas wishes

It was December 21st and i was lying in bed saying why cant it be christmas now. But when i fell asleep i couldnt wake up again. My Dream went on forever it was horrible. But i knew anything could happen in a dream so i went to my dream place the jumbalar mountains, which are made out of marshmallows and rock. So i was climbing the mountains and i met a guy called jumbolumbo and he said to me " Hello welcome to the jumbalar mountains may i take your order" and i thought this isnt a restuarant, well thats what i thought and then i saw a sign saying restuaraunt 20 miles and i thought oh no. But i was hungry so it was worth it.

Chapter 2: my long journey

So i had walked 1 of 20 miles and i saw a dairy so i walked in and i picked up a cola and i tried to purchase it, but i didnt have any jumbalar dollars. so i had to beg for money on the streets. and this guy gave me 10000000 jumbalar dollars, and i though i had striked it rich but it turns out i still couldnt purchase my cola. so i went on without it

Chapter 3: absolutely about to die

i had walked 29.95 miles of the journey and i saw the restuaraunt but then i collapsed.People took me to the jumbalar hospital and i had frostbite. They said i couldnt walk again but i knew i could so when they werent in the room i made a run for it.but as soon as i got off the bed my legs fell of, so i stole one of the hospitals wheelchairs to get to the restuaraunt.

Chapter 4: A waste of Legs

So when i wheeled to the restuaraunt i ordered the greasy potato chips and they tasted like well i couldnt even say what they taste like because they were so horrible

Moral: The moral of this story is too never waste your legs just for food people will think your desperate

                                                                    The End

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2011 ⏰

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