Chapter 10

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hELLO!!! My lovely readers!! How are you guys doing!!

I am dedicating this book to @in_my_city!!! hi Monica this is for you!! Do check out her story you guys!! It's called, "Bad girl turns good.." Its a nice story!! I LOVE IT!!! :) 

So this is a really small chapter!! Its just a filler for more exciting things to come!!! :) Also sorry incase of errors! ;P

I would just like to thank you guys so much for your support and encouragement!! It means a lot to me!! xoxoxo!! :)

My book, "Feelings" has crossed over 4000 reads and "What is true love?" and "What's past is past?" have crossed over 2000 reads and this book has more than 800 reads!! 

So thank you guys so much!! If i could meet each and every one of you, i would hug you all  REAL tight!!! :P :) xx

Also i am starting a new book called, "Being 13.." and I am going to post the prologue in a few minutes!! :) yiee!!! I know i said ill post it after finishing, "What's past is past?" but i cant wait!! I am too excited!! So do check it out!!! :) ;)

Cheers!! :)

Chapter 10 

"Hey Sam, I need to buy some last minute things. I'll just head to the drug store." Says Sonam standing near his bedroom door. 

"Sure. Oh I need an extra toothbrush." He says looking at her. 

"Sure, I'll get one for you. Bye." She says grabbing her purse. 

Sonam walks out of the elevator and crosses the street and heads towards the local drug store. She enters the store and starts to pick out some stuff needed for the trip. After making sure that she took everything  she needed, she heads towards the billing section. She keeps running through the check list of the things needed in her mind as she  crashes in to someone. 

"Sorry, excuse me, I didn't see you there." she says looking up. 

"It's alright." he says smiling. 

"Oh..." she says staring at his dazzling smile and mesmerizing blue eyes. 

"Umm...excuse me?" he says with a knowing smile. 

"Oh..Oh..sorry. It's ok." She says smiling at him shyly. 'What the hell is wrong with me? Handsome guys with tantalizing smiles and hypnotizing eyes are always trouble!! Haven't you been through enough Sonam!! Don't act like a teenager!' 

"Hi, I am Jeffrey White." He says extending his hand. 

"Hi, nice to meet you. I am Sonam Sanders." She says shaking his hand. 

"Nice to meet you too Sonam." He says. 

She nods and smiles and pays the money at the cash counter. "Well, bye then."  

She heads out of the store and reaches her apartment building. She gets off  the lift and then starts heading towards her apartment with a dreamy smile on her face. As she walks towards her place she spots Sam standing and talking with someone. As she moves closer to them, she notices that it's Hilary. Her smile suddenly turns in to a frown.She starts walking faster towards them. 

"Sam..I am sorry..I..." starts saying Hilary as Sonam interrupts her. 

"What are you doing here?" says Sonam angrily. 

"Sonam.. I wanted to apologize." She says. 

"Ya right! You ruined Sam's life and of all the people in the world you end up sleeping with my ex-fiancé! I thought you were my friend Hilary! I shared so many of my personal things with you! Get the hell out of my apartment." She says and rushes inside. 

"Hilary, just leave. The divorce will be final in two weeks. I have no intentions of talking to you." Says Sam seriously and closes the door. 

"Sonam where are you?" says Sam. 

He heads towards her room. 

"Sonam are you ok?" he asks concerned. 

"Yes I am fine Sam. Sorry, it wasn't my place to talk to her like that." She says packing her bag. 

"Sonam it's fine. She hurt you too. Let's just say that you screamed at her for me." says Sam coming near her. 

"Alright." she says smiling. 

He walks towards her and pulls her in to a hug. "Thank you Sonu, for always being there for me." 

"Aww..Sammy, you are welcome." She says hugging him tightly. He slowly pulls her out of the hug still holding her in his arms. He looks in to her eyes with a bewitching  expression and slowly leans towards her, kissing  her on the  forehead. 

"I'll go take a shower. We need to head to the airport in an hour." He says and leaves. 

Sonam just stands there and looks at him as he leaves. 'Did he almost kiss me? He was looking at my lips!!! Then why did he kiss me on my forehead instead?..Haa.. that's because he is my best friend! I am nothing more than a friend obviously!! He had a chance. He could have kissed me but he didn't! That shows clearly that he is not in to me!' 

She too heads to her bathroom to shower and sighs inwardly.



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