Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We are both speechless. What does this mean?

"Wait a minute," Maddie says. "We checked all the YouTube channels that got hacked, and all of their social media. All of the channels just had no videos or subscribers right? Nothing else was different. Except on Justine's channels, her picture was different. And the only person that's updated their social media since this happened is Justine's tweet. Do you see a connection here?"

"Yes," I realize. "It seems like this hacker is trying to send us a message about Justine or something."

"Indeed..." Maddie sighs.

"Lets go back to her channel," I suggest. "Maybe there'll be a clue."

I minimize twitter and reopen YouTube. We find our way back to Justine's channel, and I'm glad we did because there's something different this time. Her channel art has been changed. Now it displays a white screen with very small print. I zoom in, and see that the small print is a phone number.

"What?" Maddie says, looking confused.

"Well it's obvious, isn't it?" I ask. "We are supposed to call the number. I'll go get the phone."

I run upstairs to get the phone, and find it's still sitting in the same spot as it was when I put it down after calling Maddie earlier. I bring it back downstairs, and Maddie recites the number as I dial it into the phone. I press the speakerphone button, and this mysterious person picks up after four rings.

"I've been expecting a call from you," it says.

"Who are you?" Maddie asks slowly.

"I would prefer not to disclose my identity, but that doesn't matter to you anyway," it explains.

"Well what have you done to the YouTubers and why have you been waiting for us to call you, not anyone else?" I ask, quickly.

"Because nobody else knows that this is going on," the voice explains. "Everyone else sees the channels normally."

"Well what the HELL would you want with us?" Maddie asked, clearly angry.

"Shut up you ignorant girl, none of that matters," it snaps, clearly very annoyed. "The only thing that matters is what I'm about to tell you. You might want to write this down."

I quickly search the computer desk and hand Maddie a paper and a pen.

"Okay, listen closely because I will only say this once," it begins. "I have hidden all your precious YouTubers and I'm gonna give you a week, no more, to find them, one day for each YouTuber. This week begins tonight at midnight EST, your time, and you will use this time zone for the whole week. Of course you will need my help, which is why I have left hints with each YouTuber, riddles. I can tell you that the first hint is in the Starbucks 3 blocks down from you. Order a Vanilla Frappucino, and when they ask for your name, tell them that it's Moo Cow. They will give you the drink for free and give you an empty cup, containing the hint. Good luck, and see you at the end of the week."

And with that, I hear a click, telling me that this mysterious person has hung up. I turn to Maddie.

"Did you get all that?" I ask quickly.

She nods slowly, looking shocked.

"Well," she begins quietly. "I guess we have to go to Starbucks."

"Yeah," I say slowly.

This is crazy. What psychopath just kidnaps seven YouTubers and hides them? We don't even know where they'll be. Did this mysterious person hide them close to us, or far away? I have no idea where any of them could be, but all I know is that I only have twenty dollars in my wallet, and that's not going to get us too far.

I can only think of one good thing about this. Both my parents and Maddie's parents are on vacation and they aren't coming back for two weeks, so that gives us plenty of time to find the YouTubers and get home.

"Okay," Maddie sighs, interrupting my thoughts. "Lets go."

We stand up to leave for Starbucks, and it seems like the whole world is moving at half speed.

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