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Cheerleaders oh cheerleaders most of them act like there better then everyone else. Well there was cheer tryouts and I'm trying out because they seem like they need a boy and plus I'm a gay boy so that's better. I try out and I do good everyone likes me....Reality I fall on my face and everyone laughs but the coach sees potential in me and she lets me on the squad. Everyone gives me an evil eye stair because I failed trying out for the cheer squad. Bae had faith in me though and he cheered me on and helped me with my stunts because I was a flyer. I weight the lightest on the squad i weigh 95 pounds and the rest go from 120-170 but the 120's are flyers too. Then I get the best part of all I'm top of the pyramid BITCHHH! They got new uniforms they tired to give me pants and shit I said UHH give me the skirt and Pom pom's and shit. The coach was like oh ok bitch I see you I was like you right. The cheerleaders are sassy, bitchy, and preppy which is just me bitch like AHH OK.

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