Chapter 4

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I stood frozen as i looked at the two men swinging their swords in my house. Alexandre's muscles flexed as he swung his sword endlessly at the man who only seemed to be defending himself from Alexandre's  advances trying to explain himself. The other man looked younger than Alexandre, same brown hair and wearing the same attire except he had more armor. I was still confused at what happened. How on earth did I avoid that knife? I have bad reflexes. I couldn't even understand the language they were screaming in amidst the clashing. In the corner of my eye, I noticed a small figure standing at my doorway. A small boy stood watching what was happening, and then a much taller figure appeared.

"Mummy look" the little boy said pointing to the men. She gasped in horror and shouted for her husband.

Oh no!

A crowd started to gather at my doorway and I just stood there helpless and then one of them screamed loud enough for the present company to hear.

"Assassins!! Get the guards!"

I looked at the man horrified and confused and then back at Alexandre who had his sword pointing downward on his side and breathing heavily. He then looked at me, his eyes were guilty. He lied to me. A tear slipped down my cheek leaving a wet trail. I had no idea why I was crying. My brain only registered to one thought 'he was an assassin.'

His companion whispered in a low tone to him and  Alexandre nodded. He walked towards me and stopped near the doorway. "Leave now or I will have kill all of you as you sleep at night" he threatened with a serious tone. Everyone let out soft but petrified gasps and quickly scurried away like rats into their homes. I started to walk out as well. I wanted to get out of this hellish nightmare when a hand wrapped around mine and stopped me.

"Not you Keira" Alexandre spoke and pulled me towards him. I pulled my hand out of his and looked him in the eyes.

"You lied to me, I trusted you and took care of you." I accused him. I wasn't weak I held back my tears and only let out my anger. He just looked blankly at me.

"Get out" I screamed pointing towards the door "both of you just leave." Alexandre didn't try to argue, instead he wore his coat, glided his sword into the sheath on it and not stating one word just walked out the door. The other assassin followed him closely, before leaving however he whispered "sorry", like that changes anything.

I leaned on the wall and my tears poured out. Why was I even crying? I felt as if something was missing. He was an assassin. Nothing more than another ruthless killer who took and took. I was angry at myself but I missed his company. All my life i had protected myself from any danger. Now I had put myself right in the middle of it by protecting someone else.

I heard the sounds of angry guards head my way but I was too lost in my thoughts to run away. Instead I just stood there awaiting my fate.

"Where are they?" the soldier  hissed at me. Staring right at him I made no reply. He raised his hand and slapped me across my cheek, hard enough to make me stumble but I felt no pain. "Where are they?" he asked, this time gritting his teeth in anger. When I still didn't speak he pushed me to the wall and put his hand around my throat. "Protecting them are we?" he said. He let out an evil chuckle and his grip started to tighten. I felt myself go hazy. I knew it was my end.

I fell to the floor, and heard grunting.


With the sound of my name I opened my eyes, my vision still blurry. I balanced myself on my hands and looked at the source of the voice that spoke. Alexandre.

He came back.

He softly caressed my cheek. He placed a finger under my chin and raised my face to his.

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