"Well at least you saved the girl" I tried reasoning with the hazel-eyed man who I now knew as Alexandre.
"Yeah but getting wounded is... um... dangerous in my line of work." he spoke with his deep voice, now sounding much better. It should be sounding better, he finished 10 bowls of soup!
"Well you would've died doing a good deed." I said and smiled assuring him. He saved the exact person I couldn't and for that I was grateful.
"True but my real mission wouldn't have been accomplished would it?" he argued
"And that is?"
"Something I cannot tell." He answered reading my mind.
"I really should leave now, thank you for saving my life, Keira and for all the hospitality..." he said, standing up rather quickly only to wince in pain again as his hand capped his wound.
He somehow managed to tear a stitch making it bleed again.
"You need to lie down so I can stitch it up again." I told him in the most pleading voice but his eyes showed stubbornness and I scolded him "Now!!"
His eyes widened with shock at the change of my tone but he knew better than to refuse.
He very slowly made it to my room, taking deep breaths to help with the pain. He lied down and waited for me. Once again I was stitching up his wound, only this time he was fully awake. Every time the needle pierced his skin his breath quickened. My hand felt every movement as it lay on his sturdy toned abs. As soon as I was done I turned to look at him. His green brown eyes were already looking at me. His look was foreign and one which I couldn't quite understand. I just smiled. This look made me feel something new. Something I couldn't quite describe.
"Thank you" he finally said as I lowered my head. I just nodded my head and left the room.
What was that look?
My thoughts were infected with this alien feeling. It was all I could think about. I walked into my room to find him softly snoring. I needed to clear my mind.
I put on my cloak which coated my blue dress and stepped out of my house into the pouring rain, silently shutting the door on my way out. Maybe a trip to the market might help and also because Alexandre had finished all of my vegetables in one day.
The market was a soggy mess. People pushing past each other and screaming endless deals. It was definitely a human death trap.
[Alexander's POV]
I couldn't help but stare at the girl that was looking directly at my eyes. Inside me, all I wanted to do was to protect her. She looked like a jewel, brimming in innocence. Her smile played a melody in my heart. It was a real smile. Her green orbs soon looked down and strands of her hair fell to her face. She quickly tucked them behind her ear.
"Thank you" I said as she was uncomfortable at my scrutinizing gaze. She simply just nodded and walked out of the room. I felt weak and I couldn't understand it. My head fell back on the pillow and I ran my hand through my hair. She had somehow crept into my mind. Soon I felt sleep overtaking my body.
Out of habit, as soon as I felt something heavy land on my head, I jolted into a fighting stance. My vision still blurry, I looked at my intruder.
"C'est juste moi." the voice said and I knew who it was.
(It's just me)
"Ricardo, comment m'as tu trouvé?" I asked my brother.
(Ricardo, how did you find me?)
He raised his eyebrow in an 'are you serious you just asked me that' look. Well he was a trained assassin, just like me, so it was definitely a stupid question. We walked out of the room.
Then the door swung open and Ricardo shot a knife straight to the person entering the house. Keira.
My eyes went wide and my heart stopped beating. Everything started to move slowly around me. The knife slowly inched towards her and it killed me inside. There was no way she was going to survive this. But then she looked at the oncoming killer and then at me. Her green eyes filled with panic and so were mine.
Next thing I knew, she was on the floor and the knife hit the door.
What just happened?
I quickly rushed to her side and gave her my hand. Her soft hand placed on my rough palm as I guided her up. I put a hand around her waist to help her support herself. My heart was racing in panic and joy that she was unharmed. She looked at me and her eyes asked for an explanation.
Then I remembered... Ricardo...
My eyes aimed at my brother's and rage filled my entire body. Walking towards him, I picked up my sword. He drew his own out too. Then the house filled with French profanities and the sounds of clashing swords.

The wounded Assassin
RomanceKiera was just a simple girl. Or was she? When an assassin crashes into her house one night her life takes a 360 turn and next thing she knows she's on his ship. Heading to a safer place than home. An innocent romance slowly develops. But the past h...