Brendan Imagine For Kaitlyn

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Bren's POV
Today me and the boys are going to the cinema to watch Deadpool! I've actually been DIEING to see this and I've seen so many good comments about it so that makes me even more excited. All the lads were ready and as always, waiting on me, "Brendan Hurry up the film starts in 15 minutes and the cinema is at least a 10 minute walk from here!" Dayl roared with excited but also you could tell he was annoyed...oops, "I'm coming just hold on will ya lads!" I reply as I grab my stuff and jog down the stairs "there I'm ready ye happy!?" I say to the lads who just look at me with annoyance "yes actually we are, now come on!" Dean wines as we all leave the house. A 10 minute walk and it's freezing! Great.

Kaitlyns POV
Today Jasmin, Deanna and myself are going to see Deadpool, may I just add that I'm so excited I've waiting ages. The movie starts in like 10 minutes and I'm ready but idk about Deanna and Jasmin, "Deanna, Jasmin, you ready!?" I shout up to them, with in no time they're running down the stairs fallin all over the place. Deanna finally puts in her other ear ring and we are ready to go! We leave the house and start to walk down the street.
We arrive at the cinema and are standing in the line to get our tickets when 6 lads walk in shoving each other about and laughing, May I also add that they were gorgeous! But one stood out to me the most. The one with the black mop upon his head with the black glasses.

Bren's POV
We arrived at the cinema and we're having the craic as always, pushing and shoving each other around and of coarse laughing while at it. When we finally calmed down and joined the line I saw 3 girls in front of us, they were all really pretty ladies I have to admit but there was just one that had her eyes on me and I had mine on her....she was gorgeous, we stared at each other for what felt like forever but was really only like 2 minutes before I was snapped out of my daze by Josh "Yeo Brendan snap out of it man" he laughs while waving his hand in my face "yeh yeh sorry bro" I say looking at all the lads.
Once we had got our tickets, I soon realised that the girls I had saw were going to the same film as us...great. When we went into the room the adverts were playing, once we had found our seats we sat down and couldn't really see anyone around us as it was so dark.
Half way through the film I tell the lads I need the toilet so I squeeze past them and jog off.

Kaitlyns POV
The film is amazing so far! I was just sitting wondering what the lads I had seen earlier were watching as we got our tickets before them so we walked off before we could see where they went, it was that dark I couldn't see a thing but I really needed a pee to tell the truth, "here Jasmin, Deanna, I'm away to the toilet I'll be right back" I say as I stand up "ok" they both reply. I start squeezing past these boys saying "excuse me" politely as I pass each one "thank you" I say kindly when I finally get past them "no problem" one of the lads say...I start to fall in love by his voice, HE'S IRISH I say to myself, omfg I love the Irish accent! Once I had stopped talking to myself inside, I finally left to go to the toilet, but as I go to enter the toilets I see the lad I had seen earlier...holy shit he's so perfect, 'wait, isn't he with them boys I had to pass to get out here?' I ask myself  'OMG THAT MEANS HE'S IRISH TO!' I start screaming inside, this is to much in one night.
When I come out of the toilet I start to jog a little while texting on my phone so in that case I can't see where I'm going and before I know it I'm on the ground holding my head "shit" I say as I slowly get up "Oh my god I'm so sorry I was texting and I didn't see wh-wait your the girl who wouldn't stop staring at me earlier" he smirks, oh so he goes from all apologetic to this fucking smirky pedophile look. Nuh uh I'm having none of this. "Eh yeh, and sorry I was also texting..." I apologise "ah it's grand, are you ok?" He asks with that strong Irish accent😍 "yeh I'm good, you?" I ask smiling a little "ye" he replies smiling.

Bren's POV
Once I came out of the toilet I was texting my dad, Frank, to let him know that the movie would be over soon and that the lads were coming back with me when all of a sudden I feel my head bang against something hard "ah fuck" I say rubbing my head "I'm really sorry I was texting and I wasn't looking wh-" I look up to see 'her' the girl who was staring at me earlier "your the girl who kept staring at me" I say with a smirk, by the looks of things she was having none of it.
Anyway, once we had apologised to each other I found myself getting  lost in her eyes, they were a gorgeous blue. Once I was lost enough that I knew there was no turning back, I felt my lips against hers...great what a kiss, in the middle of a cinema!
We stood there for like 5 minutes when I heard a few coughs so I quickly pulled away and stared at the lads and the two girls who I saw earlier "em my names Brendan by the way" I say holding out my hand to the girl I'd just kissed as if we've just met, "Kaitlyn" she says blushing and laughing, shaking my hand, I can't hold my laughter back so before I know it we're all laughing "so em I guess the movie is over?" I say shrugging my shoulders before laughing again as the lads and girls join in once again.

The end 😂

I'm really sorry if this is bad as its my first book, if anyone would like one please comment or message me what lad you want and maybe just a wee hint in what you want to happen. If you enjoyed it please vote and comment💜
Also if you could check out and vote for Kaitlyns book it would mean a lot, it's called I Love You and is based on Brendan Murray🙈
I'll try update as much as possible! ~ Deanna xx

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