Chapter 20 Where the match burns

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(So this is short but I wanted to tell you that I'm probably gonna start writing on this again so here's just like a short to tell you.)

Jims POV

The light sound of zen music played in the background of a restaurant just across from the 'Lucky Cat'.

I sat silently my hands folded together in front of me, resting on the table.

The women in front of me, general Shan, sat cautiously, she seemed calm but I could see right threw her.

Her hand lightly shaking as she picked up her tea cup to bring it to her lips.
Her eyes never quite looking into mine.

She was trying, to seem strong, but as most people are, she was weak.

"I have a request of you, general."
My stern voice finally breaking the unbearable silence, we where submerged in.

She lifted her head from her tea and put on a brave face, now, she echoed business.
"What could you offer me?"
Her light accent, formed patterns in her words, she was trying really hard to seem better then me, however, no one is.

"A lost associate." I smirked at her, she looked confused, until i slid her a folder.
She opened it, looking inside as her eyes went wide.

"You found her..." She stuttered out, removing the picture I had tucked away in the files.

"I have, however I can very easily make her disappear again, if my demands are not met." I stared at her with narrow eyes, she lifted her head to me.

"I will follow as you say."

Sherlock was like a cloud of fog covering everything bad that seemed to submerge it self in this city.
He was polluting my criminal air with raids of his purified one.

And I absolutely... Loved it.

Mr. Holmes seemed so un breakable to everyone else, as if an iron heart resided between his ribs.
I knew better, you are never made of iron, no one is.
Even I am not foolish enough to say I have no pressure points, we all do.
Some of us are just better at hiding them.

"JAMES!!!!" A scream of anger rumbled threw the corridor, followed by stomps and huffs.

The door to my office burst open, my back to it as I was sitting, facing the window with my hands folded, pressing then against my chin lightly.

Even with no vision, not even the blurred reflection on my glass window, had to tell me who it was.

I remained silent as her breathing settled.
"Darling." I stated, calmly.

"JA-JA-James...!" She stuttered out as she caught her breath.
She was never truly made unless she used my real name.

"Yes darling?" I asked, trying to remain completely unemotional.
Because honestly she scared me, witch what I loved more then anything.


I sighed, I'd forgotten I left it there.

I stood up, walking to her as her anger stricken body stood in the doorway.

"My apologies love, I had forgotten all about it." I said calmly.

She was used to body's, dead and alive, she was used to blood actually might have even liked it. But if there's one thing she isn't used to its those things in our flat.

"They are fine other places but not in the flat!!! You know that is the only place that's even slightly sane!!" She yelled fists balled at her side, as she looked up to me.

"(Y/n)... I understand I apologize." I tried to calm her down lifting her eyes to meet mine with two fingers.

She calmed slightly, as I bent down pressing my lips to hers softly.

I let go and stood back up right, she huffed once more and then turned around to head out.

"GET IT OUT!!!" She yelled before walking out the door.

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