I Wish [Zarry]

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I Wish

Harry and Zayn are best friends.

Harry loves Zayn.

Zayn loves Niall.

Niall and Zayn are dating.

Harry is heartbroken, but he will not show it to Zayn; he wants to be the supportive friend which Zayn deserves, not a jealous one.

"Hey Harry!" Zayn says as he runs over to Harry, embracing him in a tight hug, Zayn was much smaller than Harry which Harry found adorable.

Harry smiles down at Zayn "Hey Zayn" Harry replies, being this close to Zayn makes it so hard for Harry to tame all of his feelings.

"Look what Niall got me" Zayn says as he gets a necklace from around his neck, showcasing it to Harry.

That hurt Harry.

It was a key, which was symbolising how Zayn has the key to Niall's heart. But that's not what hurt Harry, no. It was the fact that Zayn has removed the necklace which Harry gave him when they became best friends.a

It was just a simple chain, but it chained their friendship together, however cheesy that sounds but whenever Harry looks at that chain around Zayn's neck; it takes him back to a happy place where there was no Niall, where it was only him and Zayn.

Just like it should be.

"Harry are you listening to me?" Zayn asks while pouting at Harry.

Chuckling quietly, Harry shakes his head "Sorry, what did you say?" he questions.

"I said would you like to go to the lake today?" Zayn repeats while smiling.

The lake was their place, where no one could get them and it was just Harry and Zayn; Zayn and Harry where they've shared so many memories together.

That place was where Zayn and Harry became friends, they even have their tree which they've carved their names in to. Breakup cryings were held there where one comforted the other. It was a place both boys treasured close to their heart.

Without a second thought, Harry grins "Of course!" He agrees happily.

This would be the first time in a while that Harry and Zayn would spend some time together alone.

Zayn smiles brightly "Great! This should be fun!" He says enthusiastically.

"But wait, will Niall be coming?" Harry questions, hoping that his lover's boyfriend will not be there.

Shaking his head, Zayn smiles "No, it's just me an you today buddy. We haven't hung out in a while, so I've missed you" Zayn admits as he pinches Harry's cheek.

Harry felt the need to say that their friendship was being affected by Niall, but he decided not to ruin this moment.

"Oh that's good and yeah I've missed you too" Harry says as he swats Zayn'a hand away.

When really he just wanted to hold Zayn'a hand.

"So are we leaving now?" Harry questions as they hear the final bell ring, implying that the day is over.

Zany nods "Yeah, we can go to my house and make a picnic basket and then walk to the lake" he announces as they begin to walk down the road to Zayn's house.

Luckily Zayn only lived fifteen minutes away from their school, so in no time they were walking up Zayn'a driveway while both boys were in deep conversation wondering how the other has been getting along.

"Harry! It's been so long" Zayn's mother Tricia says as she pulls Harry into a tight hug.

It's been a very long time since Harry says Zayn's mum. And everyone knew that Tricia had a definite soft spot for the curly haired boy.

She preferred him over Niall hands down, every time she told Zayn that her son would always get defensive.

Also Zayn's mum always noticed the longing stares Harry sent her son, the way his eyes would brighten when Zayn called his name. Or how he would smile when he would hear Zayn laughing, due to one of Harry's awful jokes.

"Hey mum" Harry greets as he pecks Tricia's cheek.

Harry was really close to Tricia and just called her mum because she was like his second mum.

"What brings you here love? I haven't seen you in a while" Tricia announces as she sends Zayn a look.

Harry chuckles "Well me and Zayn haven't been hanging out in a while, so we decided to have a picnic at the lake" Harry explains.

Smirking to herself, Tricia nods "So it's like a date?" She asks.

"No mum. You know I have Niall!" Zayn states angrily.

Zayn doesn't even know why his mum didn't like Niall.

"One could dream" She says as she quickly goes upstairs before Zayn could say anything else.

Through out this little scene, Harry wore the biggest grin on his face, to say that he was happy would be a huge understatement.

He was over the moon.

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